Chapter 2 : Mistake

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Ohm POV*
For celebrating the day, they all drank alcohol too but I didn't because there should be someone to take care of these drunk people.
I helped them to stand up and sleep on the bed of the other room. Nanon was still on the floor.
"Nanon, let's go in your room" I said while holding his hands to help him.
But suddenly he whispered something in my ears.
"Why are you so cute?" This line made me go crazy but I controlled myself.
"Nanon, you're so drunk. You should go in your room and sleep"
"Why? Are you shy?" He asked.
"No, I don't wanna waste time" I said and helped him to stand up.
"Neither me... Should we do it here?" What is he trying to say?
"Do what? I'm just helping you because you're my best friend and it's my responsibility to help you"
I took him to his room but he pushed me on the bed.
"I'm not satisfied with this help" I knew that what is he trying to say.
"Non! Stop being a jerk" I stood up but he hold my hands and kissed me. I didn't kiss him back and pushed him.
"You'll regret soon for this. Stop provoking me" I shouted.
"I'm not doing it for no reason" He said and touched my cheeks. I know that he is drunk and I'm completely okay so if I'll do what he wants then it'll be wrong. It'll be sexual harassment.
I was about to say something but he kissed me again and this time, I kissed him back too. I couldn't control myself anymore.
I came back in my sense. I stopped him and make him lie on the bed. He was still trying to kiss me but I didn't let him do it even though I like him, I want him to kiss me but not like this. I want him to kiss me when he is totally fine so that he can feel my love in that kiss.
Next day*
I woke up early. I made breakfast for everyone as they all were sleeping like pigs.
"What are you doing?" I heard a familiar voice.
"Cooking breakfast for you and others" I said.
"Thanks for that but what happened last night, Ohm?" Nanon asked this question which made me shiver.
"Nothing happened. You slept peacefully" I laughed nervously.
"Ohm! I know you weren't drunk so tell me what happened? I think I remember what happened... You helped me to stand up and then... I don't know" he don't remember anything. It's good that he forgot it or else he won't see my face again.
"It's okay Non. Nothing happened last night" I explained.
"Okay... Mark and Jimmy woke up too"
"I didn't cook food for Jimmy" I teased Nanon.
"Stop kidding! I know you don't like Jimmy but he is my friend too" He trust Jimmy blindly.
"Whatever..." I'm annoyed.
Then, we ate food and I came back in my condo. Jimmy and Mark also went to their home.
I took a warm shower and went to my university.
I was so confused about last night. I can't get over it. That kiss so intense for me and I can't handle it now. I don't want to remember it but I can't forget too.
"Hey, what happened?" Mark asked worriedly.
"Nothing. I'm okay"
"You're not okay. I know that it's a lie. Tell me the truth" he always understands without asking anything.
"Actually, I like someone. And... I saw that person with someone else" It's not the truth but nor lie.
"So you're jealous and sad. Who's that person?" I don't even know what to say. Should I reveal the truth?
"That person is..."
"Fine, I can understand if you don't want to tell me about it right now. Take your time" Everyone deserves a friend like Mark. It's not like I don't trust him but I just don't want to reveal it right now.
I can't even focus on the lectures and I know that Mark knows that I'm not okay.

I went to condo without meeting Nanon. He called me when I reached home but I didn't picked it up. I just want to take rest for while.
I got more than 30 calls from Nanon. And some were of Mark too.
Soon, I called Nanon because I thought that he might be worried.
"Where were you Ohm?" He asked worriedly.
"I was sick"
"You didn't came to meet me nor you waited for me. It's okay if you were sick but you should tell me about it at least" he still cares about me because he doesn't remember anything about last night.
"I'm okay now. Don't worry about me. How about you? Is your head still hurting?" I asked so that I can change the topic.
"I'm okay after knowing that you're okay. I had very thoughts when you didn't answered my call" he laughed too.
We talked for 10 minutes and then the call ended.

Nanon POV*
I was so worried until he said that he is okay. Well, now I remember everything what happened last night but I didn't say anything about it to Ohm because it wasn't his fault too. I was drunk and I made him kiss me. It's not a big deal too. He is just a friend. It was just a mistake so it won't affect our friendship, right?
Just a Mistake.
Deep down I know too that he ignored me all day because of that incident…
I ate dinner and slept because I was so stressed too. Tomorrow will be a good day.

Next day*
Who the fuck said "Tomorrow will be a good day?" I literally woke up late and got scolded by the professor for being late in the class.
"It's okay dude. Why are you upset? Here, eat potato chips" Jimmy said and put potato chips in my mouth.
"Why the fuck are you eating this right now?" I said in disappointment.
"Whatever, I was hungry. Haha" He is laughing like a clown.
After studying and listening to boring lectures, I came near faculty of Engineering. I was waiting for Ohm because he is the only one who can actually make the sentence "Tomorrow will be a good day" true.
Finally, he came with Mark.
"Hey, Nanon. What's up bro?" Mark asked happily but Ohm was looking sad.
"I'm good. What about you?" I asked.
"I'm fine too but this guy seems upset. Make him happy again like before" he pushed Ohm towards me.
"What happened Ohm? Is everything okay with you?" I asked worriedly.
"I'm totally good. Nothing happened Non. Would you like to go to your mom's cafe?" He said with a smile but I know he is not okay.
"Then I gotta go guys. I got something to do. See you tomorrow" Jimmy said and sat in his car.
"I think you both should spend time together because I tried so much to make him smile but Nanon, you just asked how's he and he smiled. So, I should go too" he is not jealous. I mean he is not that type of person who'll get jealous of someone so easily.
"Okay, bye. Let's go Ohm" I hold his hand and made our way to the cafe.

There was no one in the cafe at that time. Only me and Ohm, also a guy on the last table.
"Ohm?" I said to catch his attention.
"Ohm... Actually I've to tell you something"
"Yes then say?"
"Ohm... I remember... I remember everything that happened when you were in my condo"


To be continued.

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