Chapter 4 : Disappeared

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Ohm POV*
I was sitting in the classroom but my focus was somewhere else. I was just looking at the clock and waiting so that I can meet Love and Nanon.
Finally classes ended early today at 2PM. I ran to outside but pushed someone mistakingly.
"I'm so- Love? You're here? What happened there? Did you talked to Milk? What did she say?" I asked many questions at the same time.
"Relax relax. Actually there's nothing to worry about"

Love POV*
She hugged me and then she said.
"About Nanon, we are friends nothing more. About you... You're so sweet that I can't refuse" I looked at her happily.
"What does that mean?" I asked.
"You said that you love me. What if I say that I want to spend the rest of my life with you?" I jumped in happiness and screamed.
"So we are couple "
"Yes" she hugged me again.


"That's what happened " Love explained.
"But did Nanon lie to me?" I asked in confusion.
"Seems like yes" Mark said from my back.
I ran to meet him near his campus. I waited for 1 hour then he came back.
"Non!" I screamed.
"Ohm? You were waiting for me" He asked.
"Yeah..." My smile dropped when I saw Jimmy.
"Don't you worry Ohm. I won't interrupt" Jimmy said with a smile and sat in his car without saying anything.
"What's with him?" I asked to Nanon.
"I don't know. He is acting weird. Okay, why were you waiting for me?"
"Why did you lie?" I asked.
"Stop acting fool. You said that you like Milk"
"Yes it was a lie. But I did this because I knew that your sister loves her. I thought that you'll tell about me to Love then she will confess everything to Milk. My plan worked " he laughed.
"That wasn't funny at all" So he did this not to make me jealous but to help my sister! It's not bad. I'm not angry or sad because it helped my sister. Now it's my turn.
"Well, there's a girl that I like" Nanon gave me a heart attack.
"Yes. She is so pretty. Her name is Ploy. She studies with me in the faculty" this wasn't the end but the beginning. Nanon started to talk about her everyday when we met. Always Ploy, Ploy, Ploy. He really likes her but now, the problem is she is his girlfriend. I lose him again. Not him but the chance to tell him about my feelings.
After some months*
He was again talking about his sweet faen while eating ice cream in my condo at night. He came here because he often sleeps in my condo.
"You know she is cute, funny and sweet but she never let me kiss her" my ears are hurting.
"It's good. Who will kiss a dumbass like you" I wasn't acting. I'm disappointed, seriously.
"What kind of friend are you?"
"Friend? You're still thinking that we are just friends?" It just slipped out my mouth.
"Ohm? Are you okay?"
"I'm not. I tried but you never understand it" I shouted.
"What are you talking about?"
I came close to him and put my hands on his cheeks.
"I'm... I'm madly in love with you" I whispered.
"What..." Nanon was so shocked.
"Yes, I like you since we met. Now I realized that I like you more than just a friend. I can't listen about your girlfriend anymore. She makes me feel jealous. I cry every night for you. Now I know only one thing that I can't live without you anymore. You're something like oxygen for me." I looked straightly in his eyes and said "I love you Nanon I love you" I said it finally!
"Then listen one thing, I don't love you. I always loved you as my friend not lover so I'm sorry Ohm but I can't take this anymore. I love my girlfriend"
"More than me?" This question hits hard.
"More than anyone" now this hits even more harder.
"Non!" I screamed his name.
"Nanon, I'm Nanon. Only friends can call me by that" he was about to go.
"Non, I know you're angry but don't leave me. I can live happily if you won't agree to be my boyfriend but I'll die if you'll leave me like this" I was crying actually.
"I'm sorry Ohm. Let me go. You've to understand that I don't like you. I've a girlfriend and I love her only" He ran away. He didn't wait for me.
I know I created a disaster. I can't live like this anymore.The one for whim I always smiled became the reason for my sadness. I cried for hours. Will I get a second chance from him? I just want to his face again! Then I got a call from my dad.
And he said something that made me even more crazy.

Nanon POV*
I can't believe that he loves me. I always told him that we are just friends even if he is my dearest friend but still we are just friends! I don't know what to say about it. That's why I got angry. I never think of him as more than my friend then how can he? Uhh... People can't stop themselves from falling for someone. I didn't want to see him again that's why I skipped classes for 4 days then Jimmy was worried about me so he came to meet me.
"Are you okay Non?" He asked.
"I'm not"
"What happened?" He asked worriedly.
"Jimmy, can a friend fall for his own best friend?" My question was so silly.
"Well, sometimes yes. Why?"
"Jimmy!!! Ohm loves me" I told him about it.
"Yes Jimmy. Ohm said that he loves me and can't live without me anymore"
"Is he crazy?" Jimmy said in annoyance.
"Yes he is! For me, he was crazy. I don't know what to do now. I'm so stressed" I massaged my temples.
"I always knew that he have feelings for you. But you were the one who was too dumb to understand that" he said it in disappointment.
"I know I am dumb"
Umm... I didn't see him since 4 days" he said that made me worried too.
"4 days? Where is he?" I asked.
"I didn't go to Faculty of Engineering to meet my friend since a week so I don't know maybe he didn't come to our campus because you were skipping classes"
So he didn't visit our faculty too.
"I'll go to university tomorrow" I said.
"Why? If you're not okay then no need to go"
"I will!" I had to talk to Ohm.

Next day*
I was waiting for Ohm near his faculty.
"Nanon? Long time no see!" Mark said.
"Yeah... How are you?" I asked so that I can ask about Ohm too.
"I'm good. Wait, are you here to meet Ohm?"
"Yes I am!" I just want to see him.
"Ah Don't you know he doesn't live in Thailand anymore" this was a very big shock.
"Yes, he went to France" Mark said. This made me so upset.
"Really! When?"
"5 days ago, when he confessed everything to you" so he knew about it too.
"You know about that?" I asked.
"Yes, Ohm told me everything. He didn't let me tell you that he is going to France"
I didn't say anything and came back home. I cried so much I don't know why but my tears were not stopping. It was my fault. I should've listen to him carefully.
My workd completely changed when he left me. I stopped talking to everyone but I had no courage to call Ohm too. Soon, I broke up with Ploy because she thought that I don't like her which was true too.
I want him back no matter what happens, I want him back or else I'll die. I'm experiencing all that he experienced when he loved me. He waited for me m now I'm waiting for him. He cried for me and now I'm crying for him. I tried to stay away from me and he went away. He lost hopes because of me. Now I realized that how precious he was for me. How am I supposed to live now!
He went away but it feels like he took my happiness and peace with him too. When will he come back so I'll finally say that 'Ohm, I'm your Non who loves you more than anything'.
I met Love many times but I never talk to her about Ohm. It makes me feel so heartbroken. Why am I so careless?

A/N : This was the end. I'll be back soon! Thanks for your support and Don't forget to vote. I know the chapters are not too long but I'm trying to add more lines. And I'm currently writing a new story 'MY HEALER' so don't forget to read it too and vote for it. I'll be so grateful for that!

To be continued.

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