Chapter 5 : Him in Rain

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Ohm POV*
Actually when my dad called me, he said that he wants me to go France so that I can study there. My uncle was going there that's why dad told me to go with him. I didn't want to go but then I thought that it'll be good for Nanon. He hates me now and it won't seem nice if I'll talk to him again. So, I ended up leaving Thailand which was so hard for me to do.
I completed my study there then I started to work with my uncle in his office, he taught me everything about his work and business.
After 5 years*
It's been 5 years and I still can't move on. I always look at Non's contact number but never tried to contact him. I still talk to Mark and I never ask anything about Nanon but I just ask "Is Nanon okay?" And he always answers with 'yes, he is'. It's enough for me that he is okay and he might me happy with Ploy too and there's me who still can't get over him. Milk and Love are still in a healthy relationship which makes me happy too. Milk became a photographer and Love is trying to do the same.
Finally after these freaking years, I'm going Thailand again because my uncle built an office there for me so, I'll for there from now on and if I don't like it then I'll come back here and uncle will go there. Though, I wanted to meet my family too.

I don't think that Thailand changed in these years. I'm so happy here and it reminds me of those old nostalgic moments. I went to my home and my family was so happy.
"Finally you're back!" My mom said and hugged me.
"C'mon mom. Why are you crying?" I teased her.
"Why? Can't I cry for my son? I meet you after many years" My mom will make me cry too.
"My son made me proud of him today. He is rich, well mannered and works professionally. What do you want more?" It's the first time when my dad complicated me.
"Thanks dad" I hugged him.
"Haww! You forgot your sister?" Love said with a pout.
"How can I?" I laughed.
"Then it's good."
I put my hands on her shoulder and dragged her to her room.
"What now?" She asked.
"Nothing. Tell me about what happened here when I went to France?" I asked in excitement.
"Everything same just we all grew up and started to work. No more students of University "
"That's right! But something more" I want to know everything.
"Don't tell me you're asking about P'Nanon indirectly" She caught me.
"No... I'm asking about everyone " I said nervously.
"About P'Mark, you already know that because you both were in contact. About me, I'm doing great in photography with my girl hehe. And about P'Nanon.... Do you really wanna know abo-"
"No I don't. He must be happy with his girlfriend" I didn't listen to her.
"But it's not like wha-" I stopped her again.
"I said no so no means no" I said and made my way to my room.

I changed my clothes and wore comfy clothes. Then, I ate lunch and went outside for an evening walk.

Nothing really changed. I can still see the stores and shop which were there before me leaving Thailand. I met some of my relatives in my way. They were so shocked to see me in Bangkok again.
Then, the place where I stopped was my Faculty. That faculty where I used to study. I've many memories with this place then someone put hand on my shoulder. I looked back and he was Mark!
"Ohm! What are you doing here?" He asked and hugged me.
"Leave me! I can't breath. Well, didn't I tell you that I'm coming today"
"Yeah you did. But why are you standing here? You should've come to meet me first"
"Come on. This place is full of beautiful memories. How can I not visit this place?" I said and started to walk.
"But Ohm, Why did you come here? You said that your uncle have no problem in working here then your uncle should be the one to work here. Though, you have bad memories here too" He is right but how can I forget this place.
"This is my homeland where I was born, spent my childhood. Even if I started to live in France then does it mean I'm French now?" I said in a funny way.
"Correct! But look at you! You changed huh?"
"Really?" I don't think that I changed.
"Yup! Anyways, let's go to that cafe where we used to go" I still remember that cafe near the faculty.
"I remember that cafe. Let's go there and see if the workers still remember me or not"
And good thing was all the workers were still same and they all remembered me. It made me happy.
I don't want to go back now. I'll start to work from tomorrow so I'll talk to uncle about this after 1 week because I came here for work not to meet my family and relatives.

I came back home at 9 PM.
I was sitting in the living room and watching TV.
"Umm... Did you met P'Nanon?" Love asked while editing photos in her laptop.
"No I didn't"
"Oh... I didn't see him too. It's been more than a month. Last time, I saw him when he called me and other photographers for a pre-wedding photoshoot" What? He got married to Ploy?
"Huh? He got married too?" I asked.
"No... Are you crazy? It was his cousin photoshoot" What a relief!
"But why are you telling me about him?"
"In case you wanted to know but too scared to ask" Yes I wanted to know about him. I wanted to meet him but I don't know how. I've no courage to ask anyone about him. Love understands me that's why she told me about him. Can I get an another chance to meet him?
Next day*
I went to my office. My dad sent me there by his car. Don't make fun of me, I've a car but dad wanted to drop me there by his car as it's my first day in the office.
"Good luck for today" my dad said with a smile.
"Yeah, I gotta go, bye dad"
Then I went inside. Everyone were looking happy and they all bow to me. I wanted to act like a strict boss so I didn't even bow back. I was just looking straight with an angry expression.
Today wasn't really difficult. All works were easier than France's one. Then I made my way to my home at 8 PM. I was about to go by a cab but it started raining heavily. Struggles of not using your own car in rainy days.
I was waiting for my cab then it came soon. I sat in the car and driver started the car.

Then car stopped and I know that something happened.
"What happened?" I asked.
"There's a problem in the engine"
Shit! Now, how am I supposed to go home. I was waiting for driver to fix the problem. Soon, someone knocked at the window. I opened a bit.
"Who's there?" I asked.
"I'm sorry for interrupting sir but I work here nearby. I saw your car is not working. If you will agree then I can check it for you" it was good deal.
"Yeah, you can"
"Sir, the engine is not working so you'll have to fix it by an auto mechanic. If you're in hurry then I can help you" I still didn't open the car window but I had to go home so I agreed. I wore a mask then came out.
"Where's your-" I stopped because that person wasn't a stranger. He was my Nanon! I can't believe it's him. He changed a bit. He started to wear specs.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"I am okay. Can we go?" He opened the door of his car for me and I sat on the front passenger seat.
"So what's your name sir?" He asked while driving.
"Why do you wanna know that?"
"I helped you then you can just tell me your name in return" he laughed.
"Ohm Pawat Chittsawangdee" I said it and removed my mask and looked at him.
He stopped driving for a minute and looked at me in shock and surprise.
"Ohm... You're here" He said it with a smile. My eyes filled with tears and also his eyes. "How... How are you now?" He asked.
"I don't know about before but I'm happy now after seeing you" He whipped my eyes.
"Wow! It was big surprise huh! How's everything going? How were you doing in France?" He asked and started driving.
"It was good but difficult at the same time. Living without you all was so difficult and boring"
"So what are you doing here now?" He asked.
"I've my own office here and I'm the CEO of it" I said as casually as I can.
"Wow! My best friend changed so much! Look at you and look at me. Anyways, where do you live now?" He asked about my home.
"Same. That old one of my parents"
"Oh... Well, about me. I've a bar near your office. So I'm not rich like you" But he looks like a son of a very rich person. He changed his style now.
"Did you miss me when I was in France?" I asked this and it make that moment more awkward.
"I...I... We are here at the destination I mean your home" I didn't get my answer.
"Thanks for help. Will we meet again?" I asked this type of question again.
"I hope so"
Then, he went away from me again. I went inside my home.
"Look at you Ohm. You're wet!" My mom said and gave me a towel.
"I'm okay. I'll come back after changing clothes" I changes my clothes and take some rest on my bed. Then a nuisance of my life came.
"P'Ohm!!!!! How was your first day?" Love asked.
"It wasn't bad at all" it was the best actually.
"Wow. That's good! I'm so proud of you my brother!" What a lovely girl she is! It's my first time complimenting her.
"I... I met Nanon" When I said this, she looked at me with both happy and shocked expression.
"Really? How? I mean did you remember you? Are you guys still friends? How was everything? Do you talk to him? If yes then what did you talk about?" He asked hundreds of question.
"Relax! My cab was not in a good condition so he saw me and let me come here by his car. We didn't talk about before. We just talk about what we are today"
"Will you both meet again?" This is what I want.
"I hope so" I answered the same as Non.
Then I ate dinner and slept because I was so tired. But today was the best day ever of my life.

A/N : Another chapter! I've to study that's why I won't get enough time to write chapters that's why I'm publishing a new one without taking much time. Thanks for reading and voting. Don't forget to vote and read my another story 'MY HEALER' I hope you'll like it too.

To be continued.

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