Chapter 11 : Happy Ending

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(this chapter is gonna be short)

Ohm POV*

Finally finally finally! We got what we wanted which means the support of our family and friends. We talked to Mark and Jimmy and they were so happy for us too.

I was sitting on Nanon's bed and we were seeing our old pictures that we took when we were in university. Those nostalgic moments always makes me happy when I think about it!
"Nanon, I've to say something" I said.
"Say?"he asked.
"First, take these pictures on the other side" I hold his both hands and smiled. "Nanon, you know that you're my first boyfriend and you'll be the last one too. I can't imagine my life without you now. We have everything that we wanted in our relationship. I'll always keep you happy and never let a single tear fall from your eyes, I promise" I said and kissed his hand.
"Why are you saying this so suddenly?" Nanon asked me.
"Because I'm so happy " I said and he hugged me.
"You know that I love you more than anything in my life and I trust you so much! I know you won't disappoint me" he said and I hugged him ever more tightly.
"I love you more than I love myself. You're my everything. Finally after solving all problems, you're mine" I was about to cry.
"I'm always yours" Nanon said that made me emotional.
"Are you crying? You're so silly " Nanon laughed and whipped my tears.
"Liar! You're crying too" I said.
"Y'know, tears of joy. " We both laughed.

At night*
We all were in living room. Nanon's dad was talking about the time when he was young like us.
"You know, I was handsome like Ohm in that time. Every girls used to be crazy over me but I rejected all of them and ended up marrying Nanon's mom" his dad said proudly.
"Are you joking dad? I don't think that you were handsome" Nanon said in disappointment.
"Oh come on! I'm not kidding. Your mom was my friend at that time but I know that she had crush on me " his dad tried to defense himself.
Like dad like son!

"It's not true. I didn't have crush on you " Nanon's mom said from other side.
"But mom you're still so beautiful" I said that made her smile.
"Thanks dear"
"I'm handsome too. Call me handsome too Ohm" His dad told me.
"Yes dad. You're handsome and young like before" he smiled proudly after hearing a compliment from me.

We ate dinner soon.

I was waiting for Nanon in his room and he came.
"I'm sleepy now. Lets sleep" Nanon said and sat beside me on bed.
"Not now" I said and hugged him from his back.
"What is this?" Nanon laughed.
"Turn your face back" I told him.
He turned back.
"What now?" He asked.
"You know I love you" I said and he just smiled.
"Yes I know"
"Then say something" he should say I love you too!
"Yeah, I love you too"
And then I kissed him and he kissed me back.
This was the best moment of my life. I got him, he got me. Everything is perfect now!


A/N : I didn't expected this much reads and votes on my first fanfiction that I've ever published. I was so scared of publishing them because I thought that no one will like it but then someone encouraged me to publish them and let others give their opinion on my fanfictions and stories. So, I would like to that thank you so much to all of you readers who read this and voted. I'll always be grateful for this. I'm working on some other bl fanfictions so don't forget to read them. I'll be updating about other fanfictions. Thanks again and Love you all! ️(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤


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