Chapter 8 : Homophobic family

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Nanon POV*
I went to the bar instead of going home. A bartender said that a customer is creating a mess there. I saw that a man was very drunk and breaking glasses.
"What are you doing?" I asked him.
"How dare you to talk to me like that? Do you know that who is my father?" He shouted.
"I only one thing that this bar is mine not your father's. So go back and don't come back" I shouted back but he wasn't listening. I called security guard and he took him outside.
"Clean all the mess and close the bar" I said and went to home because I was so sleepy.

After reaching home, I didn't talk to anyone and slept in my room.
Then, my mom came in my room. Maybe she was worried about me because I didn't eat dinner too.
"Are you okay?" My mom sat on the edge of the bed and put her hand on my head.
"I'm fine. I'm just tired and don't worry, I've already eaten food" I said with my eyes closed and in
sleepy voice.
"Okay, take rest. Let's talk tomorrow" she said and went outside.
And I just slept.

Next day*
I woke up at 9:00 AM and took a cold shower. I came downstairs to eat breakfast but my dad was looking at me in a disappointed look.
"Come honey, eat breakfast" my mom said.
"And then, we will talk" my dad said in a deep voice.
I was scared because my dad is a type of person who never gets angry but today. I didn't eat food properly, I wanted to know that what's going on in dad's mind.
"What's that about?" I asked after eating.
"Then, tell me what is this?" My dad showed me a picture in his phone and it was mine and Ohm's one that we took yesterday.
"So? What's the problem?" I asked and tried to calm myself.
"You're asking what's the problem? Don't you know anything?" My dad said angrily and I really don't know why is he angry.
"But I don't know what are you taking about" I said because I'm clueless.
"I never said anything because he was your friend but then he left you here alone and didn't even try to contact you for 5 years. How can this be friendship? And there's a secret that you and your mom don't know about" He said about a secret.
"Secret? What secret?" I asked.
"Me and Ohm's father used to be enemies in our university because Ohm's father used to like your mom but your mom was my best friend at that time. I felt so angry that I fought with him and from that day, we stopped talking to each other. And soon, you and Ohm met and became friends. It was just between me and his dad that's why I never said anything to you but now, I want you to stay away from him" my dad explained everything to me. But why did my dad never tell me about it? So that's the reason why Ohm never let me visit his house.
"Dad, I've to go" I said and ran outside.
My dad was calling my name but I didn't listen and sat in my car. I made my way to Ohm's office.
I tried to contact him but he didn't pick up my call.
"Excuse me, is Ohm here in the office today?" I asked to the security guard.
"Yes, he came today" he answered.
"Can I meet him?" I asked him.
"Are you his client?"
"Client? No, I'm his best friend" I thought that he will let meet go inside.
"I'm sorry sir. You can't meet him right now. He is attending a meeting right now. You're not allowed to contact him by your phone too. He will be free after 3 PM" He said.
"Okay..." I was waiting for him.
"Sir, you can't park your car here. You're not a coworker or client so you can't take it inside too. Please take it somewhere else" This security guard is making me angry now.
"Fine" I said and sat in my car. I parked it near my bar. I was still waiting for him outside his office.

It's been more than 2 hours, I was still standing there and looking at the time.
"Sir, you should go back. You're his friend then you can meet him at anytime right?" That security guard asked.
"Yes I can meet him but it's urgent right now" I answered.
"Is that so? Then, you can go, I'll tell him when his meeting will be done" he said. It's not a bad idea though. I nodded to him and came back in the bar.

I thought to contact Love but I don't have her number. But then, I remembered that I've Milk's number and they work together too.
"Hello? I'm Nanon" I said.
"Yes I know. What happened? Why did you contact me?" She asked.
"Can I talk to Love? Is she there with you?" I asked her.
"Yes she is here" she said and gave her phone to Love.
"Love? I've to ask something" I said immediately.
"Why?" She asked.
"Is everything okay in your house?" I asked this because if my dad hates him and of course Ohm's parents hates me too. And if they have already seen that post then... I'm dead.
"In my home? Yes everything is okay" she said hesitantly.
"No, you're lying" I said.
"Uhh! Yes, it's not okay in my home. Actually, you posted a picture of you and a kid. My dad saw that and also, when Ohm was sleeping, my dad took his phone and checked it. He saw some photos of you with him. My parents hates you so much that's why dad scolded him and mom also shouted at him. Not because he spent time with you, but because he lied to them that he is not going anywhere with you" She explained the whole thing. I was so angry but sad too.

Ohm POV*
My dad showed me the photo of me with Nanon. He saw it in my phone's gallery maybe.
"How did you get that photo?" I asked dad.
"But can I ask that why were you there with Nanon?" My dad asked to me.
"Dad, I didn't meet him for 5 years. He is my best friend. How can I ignore him for you and his father's fight? Your fight happened more than 25 years ago. If you can't forget that then okay but don't put us in this" I said angrily.
"So you're talking to me like this for that guy" my dad said.
"I'm not disrespecting you dad, I'm just telling you that I won't stay away from him. Never! Don't you love me now? Don't you care about my feelings? You've a very bad attitude dad" I said and I was about to go back in my room.
"But wait! If you'll be with him then don't call me dad" when dad said that, I looked back at him shockingly.
"But he is our-" my mom was talking but dad stopped her.
"If Ohm loves him more than us then he can feel free to leave us and stay with him" My dad said.
I had no option now. I came in my room without saying anything. I get ready for office and went to office without talking to anyone.
I'd a attend a very important meeting today and I can't cancel it too.

I got some calls from Non but I didn't answer it. I'm not angry at him. It's not his fault that my dad scolded me but I want to talk to him while holding his hand and looking into his eyes. I want to confess everything and I want him to confess everything too. If he still loves me then I'll fight with the world for him but if he doesn't then I'll stop bothering him.

After meeting, I'd some documents and files to check but I left it there on the table and ran to outside at 3:30 PM. But security guard stopped me.
"Someone came to meet you" he said.
"Someone? Who was that person?" I asked him hoping that he is Nanon.
"I don't know his name but he said that he is your best friend. He wore specs" He answered and I know that he was Nanon.

I sat in my car and contacted Nanon. He answered the call.
"Where are you Non?" I asked him.
"I tried to contact you but why you didn't answer it?" Nanon shouted.
"It's not important. First, tell me where are you?" I asked him again.
"In my bar" He said and I ended the call. I went to there and I go to find him.
"Do you know where's Nanon?" I asked a worker who was cleaning the tables.
"Yes, he is on the rooftop" he said and I thanked him.
I went to the rooftop by the elevator.
"Non! I'm here" I screamed.
"Why were you running? Seems like you'll die now" he said with a laugh.
"Are you kidding me? It's not the time for joke" I said.
"Okay okay, so... I've to ask something" he said.
"Me too" I said and hold his both hands.
"You go first" he said.
"No, you go first"
"Well, Love already told me everything so I think that is what you wanted to say right?" So he knows everything.
"Yes! What do you wanted to say?" I asked him.
"Same thing happened in my house. Everyone are pushing us in their problems. I'm so sick of playing hide and seek with my own family" he said with a sad expression.
"Same here. And... We can't do anything until you'll answer my question" I said and took a deep breath.
"I... I still love you like before actually I'm falling for you even more day by day. I'm asking this again after 5 years, do you love me? If no then I'll stop bothering you" I asked him and I was just hoping him to say yes.
"I never met a crazy lover like you. It's been 5 years and you still love me. How can you keep patience like this? " He said with tears in his eyes.
"I can wait forever for you" I answered.
"You're... You're really blind in love. I broke our friendship just because you started to like me. I didn't even listen to you and I regretted for it in these past years" he said with a smile.
"So, what's the answer? Yes or no?" I'll broke into pieces if he will say no. I'll stop believing in love if he will say no.

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To be continued.

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