Chapter 9 : A New Journey

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Ohm POV*
I was waiting for him to say that he loves me.
"I think there was a reason that I broke up with Ploy and now, I know that reason. So, yes I'm ready to be boyfriend and also, I'm ready to be yours forever" he said and hugged me.
I was so happy and I hugged him back. I never feel this much happy and now, all the years that I spent in waiting for Nanon isn't a waste anymore.
"So, what now? Will you talk to your parents about it?" Nanon asked me.
"I'm not even gonna see their face. They care themselves only not us. I just want to go somewhere very far away from them" I said with a sad voice. What can be worse than this when you've to cry and stress because of your own parents?
"It's okay, I'll support you. And I can understand you. Our parents will never understand us" Nanon said and I can see that he was about to cry.
"You can cry, not in front of others but in front of me. You can show your weak side to me. I won't judge your tears" I said and he started to cry like a kid and hugged me.
I hold him like this until he stopped crying.
"Let's go somewhere else. I can't stay here anymore" he said and I whipped his tears.
"Don't worry. You won't have to cry again like this" I said to encourage him.

Then, we came outside. Nanon told his bartenders about all work and we sat in my car.
"Where should we go now?" I asked him.
"I don't know" he answered.
"How about... My cousin's house?" I said and he agreed to go there.

"He lives alone and I often visit him. If we won't bother him while he is working then he won't have any problem because he usually works from home" I explained Nanon.
"Then that's not a bad idea. Are you sure he won't tell your parents about this?" He asked me.
"He understands me. He will help us" I said with a smile and he smiled too.
We arrived there soon.
"It's his house" I told and we knocked at the door.
He opened the door.
"Oh Ohm? What's up? Come inside" My cousin invited us inside.

About my cousin, he is 6 years older than me. He is the son of my dad's older brother. His name is Somchai.
He lives alone because he doesn't have any siblings and his parents usually go abroad for work.

"Please sit. And you're with your friend, Nanon today?" He asked me.
"Yes, actually he had to ask for a favor" I asked him.
"But before that, how do you know about me?" Nanon asked him.
"Ohm always talks about you to me. Now, that's weird that he never told you about me" he said and looked at me a fake smile because I never told Nanon about him but I always tell him about Nanon.
"I'm sorry for that P'Chai " I apologized by joining hands.
"It's okay, I was kidding. Anyways, what do you want to ask?" He asked us.
"Actually, we ran away from house" I said nervously.
"What? What kind of sick game are you playing now?" He asked.
"It's not a game bro. Now, we are not just friends but boyfriends too. My parents and his parents are against of our relationship that's why we came here. If you won't let us stay here then we won't mind it" I answered.
"I'll definitely let you both stay here. You guys can stay here until you'll go back. But you should have talked about this to uncle and aunt" he said while drinking tea.
"I did but it didn't work. They scolded us instead. I love him and I can do anything for him" I said with a serious expression.
"Okay okay. That upstairs room is yours now. Go and take shower" he said with a smile.
He is so mature and kind. He loves me like his brother because he doesn't have sibling. His house has always been my comfort zone because I can do anything here and he won't say a single word to me.

We took shower and wore his clothes because we don't have any clothes.
"Here, your favorite coffee" He handed me a cup of coffee and to Nanon too. We were sitting in living room and talking.

"We are not going anywhere soon and we can't spend your money too. Can you help us to find a good job?" I asked him.
"C'mon Ohm, I live alone so you don't have to worry about money because I don't give my money to anyone nor my parents. They work too so I don't need to worry about money. So, feel free to ask for money" he said while working in his laptop.
"But it doesn't feel good" Nanon said.
"Nanon, think of me as your older brother. You're here to take a long break from your work and enjoy the moment with your boyfriend so don't worry about anything now, just stay healthy and enjoy" he said and smiled.

My dad tried to contact me many times and Nanon's parents too but we didn't answer the call and turned it's power off. We spend the time with saying funny jokes and talking about our past with .....

Next day*
We woke up early and got ready because we had to go to buy clothes for us and other important things.

Nanon helped P'Chai to cook breakfast. And I cleaned my room and living room.
"Here's the breakfast. And thanks for cleaning. I'll clean my room by myself" He thanked me and we all ate breakfast together.

Soon, he went to his office and we went for shopping.

We bought many clothes and other things. And after shopping, we ate food in restaurant.
"How can you eat so much?" Nanon asked and rolled his eyes.
"Why? Don't you think it's tasty" I said and tried to feed him.
"I've hands too. I can eat by myself" he said and took my photo secretly.
"Hey! I saw it. Why did you take my photo?" I asked him.
"Focus on eating" he said while looking at his phone.

We came back home at 3 PM. We started to put clothes in the cupboard.
"Ohm! You're not folding it properly. Do it like this" Nanon scolded me.
"I don't know how to do it" I threw clothes on bed.
"Then don't do it but stop creating mess here" he said and took all the clothes. I laughed and jumped on bed.
"How can you be so shameless?" He asked me.
"I am shameless! Haha" I laughed like witch. I kissed Nanon on his cheeks and ran to downstairs.
"Ohm! Ohm! Uhh... You're so weird" Nanon shouted.

My dear cousin came home at 5 PM. He came while talking to someone.
"Whom are you talking to P'Chai ?" I asked him.
"Why do you wanna know that?" He asked me.
"I know it's not my business but you're smiling." I teased him.
"Shut up!" He said and ran into his room.
"Hey P! I know you're hiding something!" I shouted.
"Why are you shouting Ohm?" Nanon came And asked me.
"Come closer" I told him.
"Why?"he asked me. I know he is thinking something else.
"Stop being a pervert. Actually, I think this guy have a girlfriend" I whispered.
"This guy? Whom are you talking about?" He asked.
"My lovely cousin" I said with a wide smile.
"Really? It's good that he have a girlfriend too but did he tell you about that?" He is surprised too.
"No, he didn't" I said.
"Then how can you say that he have a girlfriend too" he said that is right too but I saw his face at that time. He was looking so happy and smiling like a crazy lover.

He came in living room with his laptop.
"P'Chai! Whom were you talking to?" I asked again with a high pitched voice.
"No one" he said with a smile.
"Liar! See see, I can read your smile" I teased him.
"You can read smiles too?" He laughed.
"Tell me na! Please, do you have a girlfriend?" I asked again and hold his arm.
"Yes I do" I screamed when he said that.
"Really? Who is she? Tell me what's her name?" I asked him excitedly.
"I'll tell you soon." He said while using his laptop.
"Can we invite her here?" I asked him.
"Here? I never invited her at my house yet"
"Please... Let her come here na." And finally he agreed.
"Fine, I'll invite her here tomorrow" he said and contacted her.

She agreed to come too. It's very good that he have a girlfriend too and he is dating her since 4 months. He won't feel lonely now!

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To be continued

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