Chapter 3 : Just Friends?

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Ohm POV*
My world stopped for a second when I heard that he remembered everything. My heart started beating so fast but I took a deep breath.
"So? Are you angry?" I asked with hesitation.
"No, we are just friends and it was just a mistake. I was drunk that's why I didn't realize that it was you. After all, it was my fault" What a relief! He is not angry and admitted that it was his fault.
"Neither your fault nor mine. I'm not mad at all" I took a sip from my coffee.
"Well, we are friends and if we mistakenly kiss then that's not a big deal" he laughed and teased me.
"You're unbelievable" I laughed too. The good thing was he didn't make this a total mess by arguing or fight, he solved the problem in a funny way.
But the only thing that hurts me is he always say that we are Just Friends. I mean yes I didn't tell him about my feelings yet so it shows that he loves me but just as a friend.
"Ohm, I've to go now. I'm in hurry" he said and was about to go but I hold his hand.
"Where are you going?" I asked worriedly.
"Not too far, I've to meet my female best friend" He whispered.
"Female? Who's she?" I was trying to spend more time with him. I don't want him to go away from me.
"More like my crush. If she'll feel the way as I do then... I should stop thinking too much. Okay I'll see you later, bye. And thanks for clearing all doubts of that night, love ya!" He screamed and ran away.
His "Love ya" was in a friendly way but still it makes me happy that he loves me even as a friend but he loves me! It's more than enough.
And now, he have a crush too I think I'm too late. What if that girl agrees to be his girlfriend? What about me and my poor heart?
I made my way to my condo and I cried so much. From evening til night. It was already 9:00 and I didn't cook dinner for me. I was just looking outside through my window and tears were falling from my eyes.
"Hey Ohm! I'm back with dinner"
I looked back and he was Mark. I whipped my tears fastly.
"Mark? You're here. Can't you know at the door first?" I asked with a fake smile.
"Why would I? Haha... Wait! Are you crying?" He caught me.
"No I'm not"
"Lair! Your eyes are kinda swollen. What happened? You're acting wired since some days" He asked with a very worried expression. I can't lie anymore. I burst in tears and he said nothing. He waited until I was done crying. He was sitting near me on the couch and then he asked "Now, tell me what happened? What's the reason for this?"
"I don't know what to do now" I was still crying.
"First, stop crying" he whipped my tears.
"I told you that I like someone but now, that person likes someone else. I'm too late" I explained.
"And who's that person?"
"He..." I stopped because what if he won't accept that I like my best friend.
"He? That person is a guy. Isn't he Nanon?" I looked at him shockingly.
"How do you know that" I asked.
"I just predicted that. It's kinda obvious now"
"Yes I like Nanon"
"Since when?" What should I say now.
"Since we graduated from school" He gave a very disappointed look.
"What type of lover are you? You should have confessed it before" He is right though.
"How could I? He is my best friend. And you already what's happening between his dad and my family"
"So that's the problem. Don't worry! I, your best friend will help you" he said while looking at the ceiling.
"Why are you looking there?" I asked.
"People always say something inspiring and meaningful while looking at the sky but there's no sky, only ceiling" he made laugh at his very lame joke.
"Whatever, so how will you help me?"
"I've an idea! But right now, eat dinner. It's already cold" He didn't let me lose hopes.

Nanon POV*
About my female bestie, her name is Milk.

Nanon POV*About my female bestie, her name is Milk

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