Chapter 7 : Friends on date

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Ohm POV*
"Hello, who's this?" I asked and I heard a familiar voice.
"This is Korapat Kirdpan speaking" he was Nanon. He laughed when he said his real name not nickname.
"Where did you get my contact number?" I asked.
"From... Why do I have to tell you?"
"Fine. At least say that why did you call me right now?" I was dying to hear his voice again.
"Are you free tomorrow?"
"How can I be free? I just started working some days ago" But I'll leave that work for you.
"How bad! I thought that I'll go to amusement park with you" he said in a sad voice that made me jump in excitement.
"Amusement park? I'm all free tomorrow! Just tell me when will we go?" I asked like a kid.
"3:00 PM"
"Who goes to the amusement park at 3 pm?" I asked confusedly.
"Why? Don't you wanna go there?"He exactly know how to tease me.
"No no no. I'll be ready at 3 PM"
"Okay, let's meet tomorrow, bye" he ended the call without listening to me.

I was so happy that I wanted to dance, jump, sing etc. But my dad was there too.

"Whom were you talking to?" My dad asked.
"My... My friend " I said nervously.
"You're going to amusement park with a friend? Who's that friend?" My dad is asking questions like he is police and I'm the criminal who killed many people.
"With P'Mark, P'Milk and me!" Love rescued me again. Thanks to her.
"Okay..." My dad answered while watching TV. He didn't ask more about it.

Then, Love finally asked.
"I lied for you but with whom are you going to amusement park?" She whispered.
"Guess who?"
"Don't tell me it's P'Nanon!" She was about to scream but I covered her mouth with my hands.
"Shh... Don't be loud " I requested and joined my hands too.

While waiting for dinner, I checked some documents in my laptop. But, I'm telling you one thing, I can't wait for tomorrow! He wants me to with him there but it feels like I'm going to enter the heaven tomorrow.

Next day*
I didn't go to the office so I told my coworkers to handle everything and my that uncle's son works there too now so I don't need to worry as long as he is there.

I got ready at 2:30 PM. I wore a white hoodie, brown sweatpants with white sneakers. It was more comfortable than the outfits that I wear for office.

"Look at a handsome lizard" Love came to annoy me in my room.
"Just go back na, there's no work for you" I said in annoyance and pushed her towards the door.
"Oh really? Do you forget that I saved you yesterday?" I'm hopeless now, she helped me so she wants something in return.
"What do you want? I'll give you everything but just go back. Non will call me soon so I don't want you to bother us while talking" I said like I'm very rich and I'll make the owner of Gucci.
"Then buy me a bag of Louis Vuitton, a dress of Gucci and-" I stopped her.
"Enough. Don't you have to work today?" I just said that I'll give her anything then it doesn't mean I'll really do that. I'm broke ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ.
"I'm free like you today"
"Aye! Don't compare me with you! I'm not free but I've to take a day off for Nanon"
"Ooh... Lover boy-" I stopped her again because I got a call from Non.
"Yes Nanon?"
"I'm waiting for you. Come outside "
"I'm coming " I said and ran.

"Are you going somewhere?" Mom asked.
"Yes, I'm in hurry, bye"
I came outside and I saw his car parked few steps away from my house.
"Nanon, I'm here" I said.
"Sit inside " he said and I sat in his car.
"So, we are going to amuse-" I was about to say 'amusement park' but he stopped me.
"First, a famous market near your office" he said. Well, there's a very famous market near my office where many foreigners visit too. This market is built on the beach that's why it's famous.
(A/N: it's not a real market in Thailand. It's fictional."

"Why?" I asked.
"Actually, I didn't tell ya everything in detail. I've to meet my uncle and he have a shop in that market too. So, we are going there then we'll take his son to the amusement park"   This spoiled my mood. We will have to take a kid with us. I thought that it's going to be us only.
"Okay... That's good " It's not good at all.
We arrived there soon.
"Where's your uncle?" I asked.
He took to a small restaurant made of wood.
"He is uncle and uncle he is Ohm, my best friend" he introduced me to his uncle.
"Ohm? I've heard so much about you from Nanon. Come inside and sit" what! He talks about to others too? I'm Super Happy now!
We sat there in the restaurant. It wasn't big but good for beach.
A kid came and gave us 2 glasses of juices.
"Ohm, he is my uncle's son, Junior"
( I hope you remember Junior of Bad buddy (◔‿◔) )
"Hii Junior! I'm Ohm, nice to meet you" I don't like kids but he is Nanon's cousin so I've to treat him kindly .
"Hello" he said and ran away.
"Don't mind him. It's his summer holidays right now that's why he is here with his dad. He don't like to talk to those whom he doesn't know" Nanon said and took a sip from his juice.
"Okay..." I wanted be with Nanon all day but this little kid disappointed me so much. It's not that little guy's fault though.

"Would you like to eat something?" Nanon's uncle asked us.
"No uncle. You don't have to do this" Nanon said and smiled. God! His smile is killing me now, especially his cute dimples.
"Okay, then enjoy. I've to work so I'll go now" his uncle and went to make drinks.
"Junior! Come here" Nanon called him.
"What happened? P'Nanon?" That little guy asked.
" Change your clothes. We will go somewhere today" Nanon said sweetly.
"Really? I'll be back" That little guy said and ran in excitement.
"Where will he change his clothes?" I asked Non.
"My uncle has a resort here too. So, uncle have to live here for customers that's why he built a small house here" He explained. Wow, his uncle is talented.
"That's good" I said while looking outside through the window.

Many people were there. Some were there with their family, some with friends and some with their lovers. I don't know if I'm here with my friend or the one I love.

That little guy came soon. Nanon said something to his uncle and we went to outside.
"Where are we going now?" Junior asked.
"It's a secret" Nanon said that made Junior giggle.
First, we went to that market where we ate some snacks and Junior played games but won nothing.
"Huh! Look at me now" I said to Junior with attitude.
I played the same game and I won a plushie.
(Not gonna decide which game is was. Writer doesn't know anything about games (╥﹏╥) )
"Haha! I won!" I teased that little poor guy. Nanon laughed too.

We went to amusement park at 4:30 PM. Junior just ate food like every food which was there. He brought many stuff toys and enjoyed in amazing rides. I don't like those scary rides nor Nanon likes them.
It scares the shit outta me.

Then Junior saw his friend there.
"P'Nanon, can I go with my friend?" He asked to Nanon.
"But you came with us. Don't bother your friend's parents" Nanon tried to explain him.
"There's nothing like this. Let him come with us. We know that where is his father's shop. We send him there while going back home" That boy's parents said and Nanon agreed.
Finally, it's me and him now. It's a good moment.
"What about us now?" Nanon asked.
"Us? Now we are here so let's go forward" I said and he nodded.

We were just going forward without knowing where are we going. Then I stopped near a ferris wheel.
"Nanon, take my photos" I handed him my phone.
"Okay, you're looking good in photos" he took photos of me and I took his photos too.
"You know what! You're looking good in this picture Non-" I stopped when I said Non and he looked at me. Because I stopped calling him Non after that day. He was the one who doesn't wanted me to call him by that name.
"What? You were saying something" He asked.
"I was just saying that you're looking good, Non" I repeated that but he wasn't angry. He just smiled.
"Would you like to go in this Ferris wheel" I asked him.
"Us?" He asked me.
"Yes, of course"
"Why not" he said and we sat in the Ferris wheel. The moment was perfect.
I looked at him and he looked at me.  My heart was about explode. We were about to kiss but Nanon remembered everything again and stopped.
"The view from here is beautiful right?" He asked me.
"Yeah but not more than you" I said with a laugh. Yes I was flirting but in a friendly way.
"Are you okay?" He laughed at my silly words.
"I'm not kidding" I said.

Nanon posted a picture of our with Junior on Instagram.
"See, isn't it good?" He asked.
"It's good but look at the caption. 'More than enough. More than perfect'. " I read the caption.
"It's not bad caption" he said
"I didn't say that it's bad" we both laughed.

We spent the whole day together which was wonderful. I won't forget this day.

He sent me to my home at 9:30 PM.
"I will never forget this day" I said to him.
"Me too" he said and smiled.
"I'm going now, see ya later" I said and he nodded.

I went inside my house but a new problem was waiting for me.

"What's this Ohm?" My dad asked while showing something in his phone.

Thanks for reading. I'll be back asap. Don't forget to vote. Keep supporting like this!

To be continued.

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