Chapter 10 : Going Back

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Ohm POV*
I was standing in balcony and soon, Love texted me a message. I didn't see it but her message was showing in the notification. She wrote "P'Ohm, where are you? You can talk to me. I won't tell about it to mom and dad".
I trust her so much but I can't reply her right now. I need some time. I ran away because of mom and dad not Love. I can never be angry at her.
"When will you sleep Ohm?" Nanon asked me.
"I was about to go" I answered and sat on the bed.
"Did your parents text you a message?" He asked me worriedly.
"No they didn't but Love did. I'm not gonna read their messages" I said and hold his hand.
"It's okay. Take your time" he said and we slept.

I was so energetic next day. I don't know how but I woke up early, took shower, made breakfast and Nanon was just looking at me is disbelief whereas P'Chai was just laughing.

"Maa ham mai hai chan rak go mai dtong narak" I was singing this song while cooking breakfast.
(This is the lyrics from a Thai song)
"What happened to you today?" Nanon asked.
"See, it's ready to eat" I shouted.
"Let me see. Wow! You can cook too" Nanon said while clapping.

We ate breakfast.

"Won't you go to office today?" I asked P'Chai.
"No, someone is coming today" he said with smile.
"Oh my god! I almost forgot about it that my lovely cousin's wifey is coming today to meet him" I said and pinched his cheeks.
"Are you kidding Ohm?" He pushed me.
I went to garden because Nanon was there. I thought to scare him but I saw him seeing his parents photo and he was so sad.
"You can talk to them if you want Non" I said.
"No, I'm just sad because they are my mom and dad, the one who raised me and today, they don't care about me because of thinking about the society. How can they do this to me?" Nanon said sadly.
I hugged him and tried to calm him.
"It's okay Nanon. You've me now, we Will start to work soon, we will go wherever we want to, we will do whatever we want to and no one will say a single word" I said and he nodded.

"Aww! Look at these love birds. Let me take a photo" P'Chai said from back.
"Delete that photo P'!" I shouted and started to chase him. He was running too. It was that type of moment that I always wanted to spend with my family and Nanon.

"Enough!" P'Chai said and sat on the couch and I sat too. We both were barely breathing.
"You're old now Hia. You can't run like us" I teased him.
(Hia means brother in Chinese)

"Shut up! I'm not old!" He shouted.
Nanon was laughing at us.

At 5 PM, I was doing dumb things in garden like talking to plants and insects. Dancing without any song and fighting to ghosts. Then, someone rang the doorbell. I ran to see who is that person. I was in garden so I easily came outside near the door. I saw a girl who had short hair, white shirt, black jeans and she was doing something in her phone. She greeted me when she saw me and I did the same but I'm still curious about who is she.
P'Chai opened the door so she is that girl. Hia's girlfriend!

"Ohm? What are you doing here?" He asked me.
"Talking to plants I mean giving water to plants" I almost said that what kind of dumb things I do.
"Let's go inside" he said and took her inside but locked the door. I can't go inside from door now.

"She is Miji, My girlfriend and he is my cousin Ohm" P'Chai introduced her to me and me to her.
Nanon came with juice.
"Who is he Chai?" She asked.
"He is my beloved boyfriend" I said proudly.
"That's cute" she said sweetly.

We went outside too. P'Chai was with P'Miji and I was with my Nanon. We enjoyed so much.

We came back home at 9 PM. Hia was opening the door but a car stopped near the house.
"Who's that now?" I asked to myself.
And they were my parents and Nanon's parents.
"Why are you all here? We still wanna talk to you" I shouted.
"Please Ohm. We are here to talk to you and Nanon" my dad answered.
"Ohm, they came here for you and Nanon then please listen to them once" P'Chai said.
"I've to go home now. I won't bother you anymore bye" P'Miji said and went to her home.

We all were in living room.
"Who told you that we are here?" I asked.
"I already know that you always come here when you get angry or sad. We are here to say that please come home back" my dad said.
"You don't care about us anymore dad. You only care about what others will after getting to know that your son is gay. I'm not going back" I said angrily.
Nanon said nothing because if I'll agree to go then he will agree too but if I won't then he won't go back too.
"No, it's not like that. We realized that we were wrong. Please let's go" Nanon's mom said to us.

I think I should give them an another chance.
"Okay, I'll go back" they all smiled when I agreed.
"How about you Nanon?" His dad asked.
"If he is ready to go then how can I say no" he said and looked at me.
"Are you sure?" I asked him.
"Yes I am" he smiled.

We discussed about it for some minutes and went to home. I went to my home and he went to his home with his parents.
I was standing outside the my house. I was feeling very different. It feels like I'm coming here for first time. I was hesitating and shaking while entering inside the house.
I saw Love in living room. She smiled brightly and hugged me.
"How are you?" She asked me happily.
"I'm good Love. How about you?" I asked her.
"I'm good too. Where is P'Nanon?" She asked.
"He went to his home. You can meet him tomorrow" I answered.
"Okay! You know I was so worried for you" she said and hit me on my chest.
"That hurts! And you missed me? I can't believe that" I teased her.
"Think whatever you want" she said and went to her room.

I didn't talk to mom and dad. I came in my room. It's so hard to explain that how was I feeling while entering in my room.
I was so tired so I just slept on my bed.

Nanon POV*

My parents apologized to me again after coming home.
So, finally. We don't need to keep our relationship a secret. After fighting, we won!
Now, I just wish that everything become good and we all live happily together because we are a family now. The only thing I needed in this relationship was our parents support and we got it too.

I saw that I got more than 50 calls from Jimmy and my other friends. I told everything to Jimmy about what happened.
"So that's what happened. But let me tell you that I already knew that one day, you both will be together as couple" Jimmy said casually.
"Really? You were the hater of our relationship and now you're saying this? The only shipper was Love" I made fun of him.
"I was a secret shipper" is he joking?

I woke up early next day. Mom cooked my favorite food was breakfast.
"What's this mom? You didn't need to cook these" I said.
"It's only for you" she said and hugged me.
"Eat it fast or it will get cold" my dad said while eating.

I ate breakfast and went to meet Ohm. I was waiting for him outside his house.
"P'Nanon? Please come inside na" Love said from garden.
"No no. I'm okay, Ohm is coming" I answered.
"He will take time right now because he is still choosing which shoes should he wear. Come inside" She said and came near the gate.
"Can I come inside?" I asked again.
"It's your home too now. Please come inside" Ohm's mom said.
"Aunt? Good morning" I said immediately.
"Aunt? I'm not your aunt now. Call me by mom" She said and came near me.
"Okay aunt I mean mom" I said and smiled.
"Please come inside" she said and we went inside.
I was waiting for him but he took very long time.
"Sorry Nanon I took very long time to get ready" Ohm said while rolling up his sleeves.
"Are you girl that you took so much to make up? Let's go now" I said in annoyance.
"Sorry" he apologized.

I wanted him to go to my home. Now, everything is okay so he don't need to be afraid of going my home.

We arrived at my house soon.
My mom was waiting for us in garden.
"Ohm? You came. Let's go inside" my mom said to him.
"Hello aunt. How are you" he asked her.
"I'm good after seeing my two sons together" she said.
"Two sons?" Ohm asked confusedly
"Yes, you're my son too. Call me by mom just like Nanon do, okay" she said and Ohm agreed.
My dad was so happy after seeing him too. My mom cooked delicious food for lunch.

"It's very tasty" Ohm said to mom.
"Really? Do you like it? Eat more" she served him more.
"How about me mom?" I asked.
"If you want more than take it by yourself" she said angrily.
"Are you my mom or his mom" I whispered.
"I heard that Nanon" my mom scolded me.
I just laughed nervously.

The chapter after this gonna be the last chapter of this fanfiction. Thanks for supporting. Keep voting for more!
Love you readers!

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