The Jade Orb

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The gang (Cora, Alain and Mairin) had left Ash and his friends who went off to Petalburg City for their next destination. Cora knew that Ash will be able to get Norman's badge at the gym (much to Norman's fans' chagrin). Cora had trained her Pokémon along with Alain's Pokémon and some of her Pokémon evolved. Her Finn (Marshtomp) into Swampert, Enya (Shiny Combusken) into Blaziken and Koba (Grovyle) into Sceptile. Alain's Grovyle also evolved into Sceptile and Shroomish into Breloom. Mairin's Jevin (Togepi) finally evolved into Togetic and Madoka (Kirlia) into Gardevoir which made Mairin very happy.


Right now the gang (Cora, Alain and Mairin) were taking a rest at a Pokémon center. They had left Ash and his friends when they went to Petalburg City. Their next destination was a town called Rubello Town, where a Pokémon contest was being held there the day after tomorrow. Rubello Town was fifteen miles from the Pokémon center, so the gang had time to relax for a while. Cora was enjoying some food, when suddenly she got a telepathic message from Mewtwo.

'(Cora, I have located Rayquaza and I must see you at once.)' Mewtwo said.

'(Okay well I'm at a Pokémon center that's fifteen miles from a town called Rubello Town.)' Cora informed.

'(Okay I'll head over there but make sure we can speak where no one can see us.)' Mewtwo instructed.

'(Okay.)' Cora said.


Afterwards, Cora went outside the Pokémon center and into the woods where no one could see her and Mewtwo. The others were preoccupied with their own business and Kilala was playing with Chespie (Jevin was sent back to the lab to interact with Mairin's other Pokémon), so they didn't notice Cora's disappearance.

Mewtwo soon arrived and he found Cora easily.

"What happened?" Cora asked.

"(I found Rayquaza in space, and I told him everything of what you told me about Team Aqua and Team Magma and their desire to control Kyogre and Groudon.)" Mewtwo explained.

"I take it Rayquaza was not happy with that." Cora guessed.

"(You're right he wasn't,)" Mewtwo confirmed, "(He said that the humans are foolish to try and control Kyogre and Groudon.)"

"So it's obvious that Groudon and Kyogre are both very powerful and dangerous Pokémon," Cora stated, "Did you also ask Rayquaza if he would help us, if Team Aqua and Magma find Groudon and Kyogre?"

"(Yes, he did,)" Mewtwo answered, "(and he asked me to give you this.)" Mewtwo presented a green orb to Cora.

"What is this?" Cora asked, taking the green orb from Mewtwo.

"(That is the Jade Orb, it has the power to control Rayquaza.)" Mewtwo replied.

"Team Aqua and Magma once said that they were looking for the Rose and Lapis Orbs before, which means those two orbs must have the ability to control Groudon and Kyogre." Cora explained.

"(Rayquaza said to use the Jade Orb to summon him if Team Aqua and Magma succeed of summoning Groudon and Kyogre.)" Mewtwo informed.

"Mewtwo, I am going to need your help too when that time comes as well," Cora said, "Especially with taking down Team Aqua and Magma."

"(I will gladly help you in any way I can, Cora,)" Mewtwo promised, "(Do you want me to return to my Master ball now?)"

"Not yet," Cora replied, "You continue flying through Hoenn a bit more. I'll call you when I do need your help."

Mewtwo understood and then flew away. Cora put the orb in her bag and went back to the Pokémon center, where the others were waiting for her.

"Where had you've been, Cora?" Alain asked.

Cora told the others that she wanted to speak to them somewhere privately, so they all went into a room of the Pokémon center.

"What's going on, Cora?" Mairin asked.

Cora presented the Jade orb to the others, "Mewtwo found Rayquaza. This Jade Orb has the ability to summon and control Rayquaza."

She also told them that Rayquaza had agreed to help them if Team Aqua and Magma succeeded in obtaining Groudon and Kyogre. Alain, Mairin, Kilala and Chespie were fascinated by this.

"Shall we tell Officer Jenny or Prof Birch about this?" Mairin asked.

"No we shouldn't," Cora replied, "We must keep this all a secret. If we tell anybody, someone from Team Aqua or Team Magma might find out, so word of me having the Jade Orb must never get out. Agreed?"

"Agreed." Alain and Mairin agreed.

With a new ally against Team Aqua and Team Magma, Cora is reassured that she and her friends will be able to stop both villainous teams from destroying the world.


Pokémon Caught:

Cora: Mighyena (Lela)(F), Swampert (Finn)(M), Shiny Blaziken (Enya)(F), Swellow (Percy)(M), Sceptile (Koba)(M), Linoone (Ziggy)(M), Beautifly (Caria)(F), Kirlia (Lancelot)(M), Shiny Milotic (Salila)(F), Corphish (Sebastian)(M), Manteon (Calypso)(F), Sireneon (Ariel)(F), Eelectreon (Nautica)(F), Lairon (Iwa)(F), Sableye (Gemini)(M), Shiny Flygon (Libelle)(F), Shiny Electrike (Tazer)(M), Shiny Bagon (Cadmus)(M), Torkoal (Shula)(F)

Alain: Mightyena (M), Sceptile (M), Swellow (M), Linoone (M), Breloom (M), Sharpedo (M), Lureon (M), Manteon (M), Eelectreon (M), Lairon (M), Ninjask (M), Nuzleaf (M), Dusclops (M), Combusken (M), Electrike (M), Numel (M), Torkoal (M)

Mairin: Beautifly (Choko)(F), Gardevoir (Madoka)(F), Milotic (Irvine)(F), Sireneon (Amaya)(F), Tropius (Masaki)(M), Shiny Plusle (Mikan)(F), Shiny Minun (Mint)(M), Illumise (Haylen)(F), Volbeat (Kyran)(M), Spinda (Spiny)(M)

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