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----------------My POV-----------------

He pulls me down to the coffee shop, leaving Nate behind. We sit down at the same table we were at right after we met. We get our coffees and are silent for a minute or two.
Then, finally, he speaks. "______ What made you look up? Why didn't you say yes?"

I pause a moment. Why didn't I say yes. "I... I don't.... think I really know. Just... something made me stop. Something in me wanted to say no."

He nods, taking it in. "What would you say now? Like if I took you back in...Would you go with him?"

------------Arthur's POV--------------

She hesitates. It feels like forever goes by before ______ finally answers. " I don't know," she says, staring down at her coffee," but, you seem like you want me to say no... Why is that?"

Now it's my turn to hesitate. I hate it when people ask my questions like this. I stutter and its pretty embarrassing. And now I feel like I'm going to blush, too.
I almost say no, I can't tell you, but when I look up, something in her gaze makes me feel like I can.
I tell her about Nate, what he does and everything, only excluding me liking her. It takes a little while, because she has questions. When I finish, our coffees are gone, and ______ has a look of disbelief on her face. "This is all for real...right? No joking?"

I nod. "Why would I want to?" I could think of a reason why. But...

"I can't believe I liked him..."she trails off with a melancholy tone.

Again, I nod, which is the only thing I can do. I feel like I should be happy- she doesn't like him anymore, or anyone else that I can tell, but I'm not. I just feel so awful for her.

It's getting dark outside, and my phone says it's 7:33. I know I need to start heading home, but I don't really want to. I wait a minute, wondering whether ______ will say something else, but she doesn't.
I break the silence, which wasn't as awkward as it was meaningful, and offer to drive her home. She obliges, and we step out into the freezing December air.

----------------My POV-----------------

In his car, I'm expecting a silent ride, just like last time, so I'm surprised when he speaks. "Do you wish I hadn't been there and that I hadn't told you?"

Do I? I imagine what could have happened and hear myself speak. "No, not at all," and I wonder if its true. Everything was perfect before Arthur. I had my life mapped out and under control. I knew what was happening. I was happy.
I almost laugh out loud at that. Honestly, was I really? No friends, no nothing. Just books.

The car stops in front of my house, and as I get out, I hear Arthur say good bye, and I mumble it back to him. I vaguely notice that my mom's car is gone. I unlock the door and walk inside, upstairs to my room, where I burst into tears. I can't remember the last time I actually cried. Not silent tears, but actual sobbing.
I feel like I don't know anything anymore. I don't know why Francis pushed Arthur towards me. I don't know why I felt like I had to find Arthur. An I don't know why I liked Nate. I want to know again. I want a hug, like when I was little and my mom would wrap her arms around me until I stopped crying.

------------Arthur's POV--------------

I think my heart just broke. You'd think it would be when I figured out that ______ liked Nate. But no, it did when she didn't like him anymore. I wish I could do something. I wish I could have prevented this whole thing from happening. For her sake. And partially for mine. Because of Nate. He's going to be so mad at me.


I put my thoughts on hold as I pull into the driveway, where there is no sign of either of my parent's cars. Of course they choose tonight to leave for their vacation. On the one night when they should be home.

I walk onto the porch and twist the doorknob open and am met by a scowling Nate. The one side of my brother you wouldn't want to be confronted with. He steps back to let me in, and I have no real choice but to enter; if I turn to run, I'd be worse off.
I know what's going to happen, because something similar to this has happened to me once before.

I close my eyes as the first swing comes and collides with my cheek bone. I know Nate isn't going to break any bones. Then, I'd have to go to the hospital or something, and our parents would know about him.
Just as I feel the pain explode across my face, Nate slams me into a wall and batters me around for a while. After a while the pain becomes one. I can't distinguish one blow from the next. And finally, everything fades in to a blissful darkness.

(A/N: Geez...I've made Nate out to be a complete jerk. Maybe a little more than I meant to.

But anyways...
I've never written a scene where someone gets beaten up. And I've never gotten into a fight or have been beaten up. So I hope I did okay on it.

Poor Iggy~ <3 )

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