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------------------Arthur's POV--------------------

She's gone.

Or rather, I'm gone. She's exactly where I left her.

I left her to go somewhere, and I don't even know where.


I drive and drive and drive for a few hours. I stop at a rest stop, and I'm two states over.

Maybe I'll stay here. Find an apartment to rent. I didn't bring much at all with me.

Maybe I'll find a roommate. Or something similar.

I don't know.

In the next city I enter, I decide to stop, and try and find somewhere. I'm seventeen, and some apartments accept that.

I stop at a gas station to grab some food, and I figure I could make some tea. I open the box and it's tea bags, so it should work.

I run inside, and grab some some chips, an apple, and a thermos, and pay at the counter.

By some random chance, this has station has a microwave, I guess for employees, so I fill the cup with water and let it boil, then go back out.

In my car, I stick the tea bag in to let it seep. I grab the box to close it, and find something very not tea bag-ish.

______ must've stuck it in there.

Why'd she do that?

Sure, I probably will need it, but....

She really shouldn't have.

----------------My POV----------------------

I wonder if he's found it yet. I stuck most of my 2 week paycheck money in the box. I don't think he thought everything completely through, and he definitely wouldn't have gone back to Nate's for anything. Or accepted it if I handed it to him.

I wonder where he is right now.
If he's found anywhere.

I haven't come out of my room for a while now, and my mom is quite worried. She doesn't know why Arthur came over. And when she found me on the porch yesterday, I think she thought he did something to me, even more so when I didn't tell her why I was upset.
But Arthur wouldn't do something like that. She doesn't know him very well, though.

-----------------Arthur's POV---------------------

When I find an apartment complex, I walk into the main office, which is almost closed, as its 7:30 p.m. "Excuse me," I ask the lady at the desk, and when she looks up," Do you by any chance, have someone who's looking for a roommate type thing?" It's quite unlikely that she will, and I feel like I'm reenacting Sherlock Holmes, and I'm Watson.

"Hmm..." She says, flipping through some notes on her desk. "It's funny you ask, because I've had someone ask that about a week ago. He might still be up for it." She picks up her phone."Hello, Joshua, this is the admin of the complex. Remember when you asked if I found anyone who'd split with you? ... Yes, I believe I found someone. ... He's down here now, if you'd care to meet him. Okay, Bye."

Yes, this is definitely Sherlock Holmes.

"So, you are....?" she asks, turning back to me.

"Arthur Kirkland."

"And I'm Rose Alcott. Joshua, that's his name, he'll be over in a minute."

"Umm... Yes ma'am." I move to lean on the desk a little.

"You really don't need to call me ma'am. I'm not even 30 yet." She pauses, tilting her head at me and looking me down. "And you hardly look 20."

It's so awkward when people say not to call them ma'am or sir. And even more so when they get snoopy.
"Err... that's about right. "

She doesn't answer yet, she's waiting for me to continue.

"I'm 18." I will be in a few days. But I'm not giving her my life story.

"Hm..." She's probably making assumptions, judging me.

Before she can make a comment, someone walks in. "Arthur, this is Joshua."

I turn my head to him as he walks in. He does that 'sup' nod to me, so I do it back, most definitely not looking as cool as when he did.

"So," he says," if you can throw in for groceries and rent, we're cool."

"Thanks. I can do that." Especially after I get a job.

"Thanks Rose," he says to her, and heads outside. And I follow, not quite knowing what else to do.

"Here,"He says. getting into his car. "You can follow me over. My other roommate moved out, so I don't have another bed. You can get that on the morning. So, is it okay of you're on the couch tonight?"

"Yeah, anything. Thanks." he's made this lots easier, even if I have hardly an idea who he is right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2017 ⏰

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