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I flop down on my bed. Why does Arthur keep asking questions? Why did Francis push him toward me? it's not like I'm so great or anything. I roll over on my back. What do I like about Nate? I think hard for at least 10 minutes and I only come up with two things. 1.) he's cute 2.) I just do... I can't really help it or anything. It's kind of a lame crush anyways. He's a grade above me and popular. I don't even have a car yet and I have zero friends. No friends...I think I made one today. But at the end he seemed so upset. Like seriously upset. What if he doesn't consider me a friend anymore? Geez, this is stressing. I don't think I've ever been in a situation like this before. Drama. Is this what it's like to have friends? maybe I shouldn't have tried to find him. I don't know.

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