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<Maybe a week or two has passed>


Arthur's POV

I walk in after work, after a later shift than usual. The first thing I notice is empty beer bottles strewn around the living room floor. And Nate stands up shakily, his eyes full of hatred. "Ya know," His words are slurred,"I really can't stand you. You're, like, ruining everything. It'd be better... Be better if you were just gone." He flicks out a pocket knife, and it hits me just how much he hates me. What he plans to do. Maybe I should've told someone sooner. But I didn't, and now it gone this far.
I run back out to my car, expecting him to chase me, but he doesn't. Nate just stands in the door, hollering profanity at me.

I can't go back, not after tonight. I feel like I have to get away. But where to?

I find myself calling ______. Because I think she'll actually care. She picks up almost immediately, even though it's almost 11, and on a school night.
"Hey," she answers," What's up?"

"Can I come to your house, I need to stay somewhere tonight." My voice cracks, and I hear desperation all through my voice, and I'm practically shaking. I realize I'm scared for what's next, after this.

"W- what? Why?" She's surprised, but who wouldn't be?

"Umm...I- No, Err.. Nate."

When I say Nate, I can almost feel her attention focus on me.

"Did he- Never mind. Yes, you can come over. I'll ask my mom, but I think she'll say yes."

"Thank you." I feel some relief over everything.

"Anytime. See you soon." She hangs up.

I start driving over, and think how odd it is that I didn't call any of my other friends. Guy friends. Alfred, Francis, or Matthew.


I get there, and ______ opens the door, looking worried. "Mom, he's here!" She calls upstairs, and her mom comes down.

"Arthur, what's wrong?"

I glance over at ______, who shakes her head slightly. I guess she didn't tell her mom everything. "Uhhh..."

Her mom notices my hesitation, and doesn't push it. "Well, you're on the couch."

Of course I am. "Yes, ma'am."

"Okay. I hope everything gets straighten out." She smiles softly, and heads back up.

I go to sit in the couch and ______ follows me.

"So," She says seriously," What'd he do?"

"Worse this time. He threatened to kill... And I think he meant it. So, I'm don't think I'm going back... my parents are hardly ever home, so it's just Nate and me."

"You're running away?" She doesn't want me to. Which only makes it harder. Of course I don't want to leave her.
But she doesn't understand. I really think I need to do this.

---------------MY POV-----------------

No. He can't do that. How can he leave me? Friends. I don't know what I'll do without him. Go back to the library? It all seems so silly now.

My first impulse is to be selfish. Even though I know his life might be at stake. But I can't.

"Yes. I think so. Unless something happens." He sounds almost calm. Does he want to leave me?

I feel tears welling up on my eyes. I feel bad for crying in front of him. But, I'll miss him so much. I can't help it.
I wipe the tears away. "I'll do whatever you need me to help with. I'm with you." Not literally. In the end, we'll have never been further away.
"I'll be upstairs if you need me. Don't leave in the morning without saying bye. Goodnight." I head upstairs to my room, feeling more tears coming.

When I get to my room, and close the door behind me, I'm sobbing. How is it possible to miss someone this much, and them not even have left yet?


In the morning, when I wake up, I start crying again. Not quite as much this time. Maybe I'm coming to terms with it. No. I don't want to.

The longer I stay in bed the longer he has to stay.

I look at the clock, next to my bed. 8:17. On a Saturday. On a normal Saturday, we would be playing video games, or doing something together, having fun.

8:18. He probably should get a good start on the road.

I'll wait until I stop crying.

8:30. I'm done. Bye Arthur.

I walk down stairs wearing my clothes from yesterday. I guess I never changed out of them.

Arthur is sitting on the couch. He's awake, and reading a book. Did I take too long? Probably. "Hey," I say quietly, walking across to him. He looks up, and puts the book down.

"Hi." He looks a little upset. Probably about having to leave everything.

-------------Arthur's POV-------------

This is more upsetting than I thought. I could leave everything here. And I'd be fine.
Except her.
She makes it difficult.

______ sits down in the couch next to me. "Is there anything else? That you need help with?"

Yes. I need help leaving you. I need help finding a way to stay. I need you. "No. I don't think so."

We sit in silence for a moment. "Breakfast." ______says. "You haven't eaten yet. Wait here."
She gets up and heads to the kitchen, but stops half way. "Don't go."


A few minutes later, she peeks back in. "Okay. Come on."

I follow her into the kitchen/dining room area, where she's made two bowls of cereal.

She looks embarrassed, "Sorry it's not anything more. But..."

"No, it's fine. Thank you." It really is. 


We finish eating, and it's time for me to go. "I think I need to... you know..." I say.

"Yeah, I know," she says quietly, then remembers something, and gets a little louder," Oh!"

---------------My POV---------------------

I run to get something from the cabinets. I think he'll like it. I really hope so anyways.

I hand him a box of the tea he always gets from Corners' Coffee & Bakery.
"Here. Cause you won't be near one, and I don't know if they'll have it anywhere else." My voice cracks in the last part, and I start to cry a little. I wish I had something better to give him. I turn away, trying to hide my tears without being too obvious, even though I know he sees them.

-----------------Arthur's POV---------------

She's crying now, and trying to hide it. I want to cry too, but I won't let myself right now.
I stand, holding the box of tea, while she cries, not quite knowing what to do, even though dozens of things cross my mind.

She tries to stop, but can't, and looks up,"Sorry."

"No, you're fine." I'm the one leaving. I'm sorry.

She gives me a smile, through tears, and I really want to kiss her. Almost because I can be gone before I see her reaction, and won't ever know. But mostly because I've always wanted to.
But that would make it harder to leave.

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