Tired of It

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(Author's Note: I'm really sorry for being gone so long. this chapter's not very long, but I've also been working on future parts and... well, I'm really excited. It's really big. So, I apologize if I end up not updating for a while.)

<More time has passed since... probably about a month>

-------------Arthur's POV-------------

______ isn't on the bus yet, so I have time to be upset without her seeing.

Nate. I really hate him. What he does. Some people think there are no bad people, only people who do bad things, but they're wrong. Or at least, I think so. Nate is a bad person. Maybe it won't always be that way, maybe he could have a change of heart. But so far he hasn't, and so far he's only gotten worse. And I'm stuck continually hoping that he have a good day.

I wonder the logic he sees in 'Oh I had a bad day, crappy stuff happened, and now I'm in a bad mood, so let's go beat up Arthur, rougher, the worse mood I'm in.' Like, seriously? Why can't you do something else? Go punch a pillow or something. Why doesn't other people notice what you do? Why do they think you're a good person when if they looked at me, they would know otherwise?

I have some bruises, from Sunday with Nate. Not places people would notice, but where I'll notice.

I wish my parents were home more. They're almost always on business trips or working late. They called last night, saying right after the vacation, they have a work trip.

Almost to her stop. I take a deep breath, and do my best to calm down, even though I know I'll probably be irritated most of today.

______ sits down next to me, not in front, like she usually does.

"So," she says grinning. "Wanna go to Corner's after school? And maybe video games afterwards?"

I smile back, despite my crappy mood. "Yeah, that sounds nice." Anything to avoid Nate.



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