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I shivered and pulled my jacket closer to me. I was wearing just about fifty layers of clothing, but it felt like -30 degrees outside. There was at least two feet of snow, and flakes were still falling. I was headed towards the library. It was kind of a long walk, and my parents couldn't drive me because they were at work. It wasn't like I had friends to meet there. I only had one best friend, but she moved over the summer. She was basically my only friend. Well, I had a friend or two, but they left. Not moved. Just ditched me. Maybe my lack of friends is because I'm not much of a people person. I'm not really sure.
I've always went to books. They haven't ever left me. Almost everyday, I go to the library. But books haven't stopped me from wanting a friend. They just dull the feeling for a little while.

I look up and see some teenagers from my class at school joking around. With friends. I sigh and look back down for a little while. I cross the street into library, of course by this time I have looked back up. I go through the shelves and find the book that I'm reading. I half skip back to the chair I always sit in. I curl up and open the book.

Right when it gets interesting, I hear giggles. Or something like that. I look up and see some boys in front of me with their backs turned. I bet they are going to humiliate me or something. I got back to my book and try and ignore them. When I look back up one of them, I can't really describe him..they all have blonde hair, but his is a little shorter and his eyebrows are a tiny bit bigger, but not abnormally huge, is standing in front of me, looking embarrassed. I smile and ask," How may I help you?"

He blushes really hard," Errr...umm..." he looks behind him at the other three boys and then back at me," erm...nevermind!" and he runs off. Something inside of me droops. I've become a sort of game. Something to humiliate people with. It's like daring someone to ask someone weird out in 'truth or dare'.  Am I really that weird? I've never really seen anything wrong with me...but now I'm not so sure. I want to know. The other boys have walked away a little. But the other guy is still gone. He must have been really embarrassed.

I set down my book and go off to find him. I pass by the restrooms an he comes out. I let him move away from it, then I walk up to him. "Why'd you come up to me like that?" He blushes red again,"They made me."

Geez. That sucks. I guess some of my hurt shows on my face because he quickly adds," They always do that to people. I wasn't trying to bother you or anything."

I nod and look down. He is kind of nice. When I look back up, he is looking down at his feet. "Soo...what's your name?" I ask. It is kind of a blunt question, but it's kind of important.

He looks embarrassed. "I'm Arthur Kirkland." For the first time I notice his British accent. It's kind of cute. No. I can't think that. I already like someone else. I smile," I'm _______. But you probably already know that."

Arthur smiles. His smile is small, in a way it's shy. I hope he smiles often. " you want to...get some coffee or something?"he asks, nervously. I nod. His smile widens a little and we head out to the coffee shop across the street.

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