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----------------My POV-----------------

"No, mom," I say, feeling blood run up to my cheeks. "We aren't."
Arthur glances over at me, and he's red too. My mom smirks at us. " I was joking. What's your name?" She asks Arthur.


"Nice to meet you. I'm Ms. ______. I'll be heading out again in a bit. ______, I think I'll be out late again, so I'll leave money so you can order pizza."

(A/N: The girl in the story's last name... For the Ms.______)

"Thanks," I say, relieved she won't be here the whole time.

My mom runs upstairs, and we resume playing. I come across a village, so I start fixing it up. And Arthur starts mining near by, having much better results than I usually have.


We play for a few hours, switching through games, until about 7. My mom, of course, has already left.
"Pizza?" I ask, starting to feel hungry.

"Please," he says as he finishes mining some diamonds.

"I usually get pepperoni and bacon... what do you like?"

"That's fine."

"Okay." I get out my phone, and place a delivery order.

I look back at the screen, finding I've died. "Ugghh...creepers."

He grins, letting out a laugh, and he continues mining. He breaks a block right above him, and lava comes pouring down, killing him. Arthur just stares at the screen, and sets down the controller. "Why?"

Now I laugh. Now that were both dead, the game kinda feels run out, at least for now. "Umm.. do you watch anime?" I ask, not really sure, but it's something we could do because I have quite a few disks.

He grins. "Yes!"

"You wanna watch some?"

He nods, so I walk over to where they're stacked. "Umm... I have most of the Ghibli films, except Ponyo. Black Butler, OHSHC-"

He jumps in, interrupting me,"Black Butler? Could we...?"

"Yeah," I say, getting up and inserting it into the TV.

We watch two episodes before the doorbell rings with the pizza. Arthur gets up to the door first, so I grab drinks then we sit back down to watch.

------------Arthur's POV--------------

It's almost 10, and she's been asleep for about two episodes. I don't know why I'm still here. I don't know when her mom is coming home, but I feel like I shouldn't be here when she does.

______leans over, resting her head on my shoulder. I smile- what she's doing is almost a gesture of affection.

We go through an episode like that, and then I feel like her mom might walk in any minute, so I decide to leave. I do my best to get up without waking her, but she does anyways as I'm moving away.
She sits up, stretching."Sorry about that."
"Oh, it's fine." What else was I supposed to say?

"I think I need to leave now," I say, standing up. "See you at school, I guess."

"Yeah, at school" She says, not looking at me. Did I do something?

"Goodnight," I say, heading out the door.


Nate's inside, watching TV. Some kind of sport, so he doesn't notice me coming in, thankfully.

I still ache a little from last night although I feel lots better. And I don't want to risk anything, if Nate is in a bad mood.

---------------My POV------------------

I really don't know what's wrong with me. I keep staring at Arthur and blushing, and now I fell asleep on him. And that feeling from earlier, when that girl was talking to him.

I sit on the couch, trying to figure it out, when my mom gets back. Hey ______."

"Hi mom."

"I didn't think you'd still be up. When'd your boyfriend leave?"

"He's not! We're only-" A yawn beaks my sentence,"-friends!"

My mom smiles, and I can tell she doesn't quite believe me. "If you say so."

I blush a little, and hope it's dark enough she can't see. "'Night," I say, getting up and heading to my room.

She calls up after me," Goodnight!"


I climb into my bed, and my mind starts up again.

I'm almost like one of those girls in those romance books I read.

One of the girls that almost like someone, but another guy comes in and sweeps them off their feet, figuratively, of course.

So I wonder who the other guy is.

If I'm really like one of those girls.

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