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-------------Arthur's POV-------------

I wake up to light streaming though the living room window. I'm in a different place than when I went out, closer to the door.

My body aches everywhere.
I try to stand up a little to quickly and end up fall back down. Okay, I wasn't expecting my ribs to feel like this.
I try and stand again, using the windowsill for support. I make my way towards the stairs, using various items along the way to ensure that I don't fall again.


At last I reach my bed. I sink into it. Never in my life have I ever been so glad for a bed. I start to laugh at the fight I would put up when my mom sent me to bed when I was younger, but end up wincing. I can't do much of anything now.

The clock next to my bed says 12:15. Geez, I was out for a while. No school for me, today. Thank goodness my school doesn't send messages to your parents if you miss a class.

My phone vibrates in my pocket. I pull it out, wincing, as I hurt at many of the small movements. Surprisingly, it isn't cracked at all, and it never fell out of my pocket.

(A/N: <Please Read!>
Right after I wrote this chapter, I realized that I never wrote about how they got each other's number. So basically, when they first met, Arthur awkwardly asked for it. It involved lots of blushing and everything (mainly from Arthur).
I'm sorry about that. ヽ('o`;

☆☆And texts from Arthur have a black dot next to them. Even in the girl's POV.

Anyways, ______ texted me:

what's up?

Wondering why she would text me from school, I respond:

•Hey. nothing really..im not coming to school today though

I wait a minute for her to reply, the dots that show is someone is responding keep switching back and forth.

Hehe it Saturday. But why wouldn't you be at school?

I don't really want to tell her about what Nate did. Not because it's her... I just don't really want everyone to know. But she'll find out Monday anyways. So... I guess I'll just give it an understatement:

•Err... I'm a little bruised up....

I'm not so sure she'll leave it at that though. I know if I was actually only 'a little bruised up' ,then I'd be at school. And I'd definitely be out of bed and able to move easier and without hurting.

yeah sure.... (¬_¬)
What actually is up?

How do people even do those emoji face things? I can barely tell what it's supposed to be looking like. But I get her point.

•Maybe a little worse than bruised.
Lets just say
Nate getting upset+me=ouch


----------------My POV-----------------

Oh wow.
Nate.... beat him up? He didn't really seem like the type to do that. But then he didn't seem like the type to do what he did.

Maybe Arthur can hang out or something today. I'm really bored, and my mom isn't home. I'll probably end up going to the library today, although I would rather steer clear of it for a little while. Because of, you know, Nate. I guess I haven't actually gotten over him yet.

I pick up my phone again and look at my previous response. 'Oh'. That's all I could think of to say? Kinda pitiful. But I can't unsend it.
Where would be a place that he might want to go with me? Not the mall, for sure.

Hey... wanna go do something?

I really hope he says yes. I can find something else to do, if I have to, though.
My phone does its little ringtone thing again- the one that comes already set on the phone, the annoying one, and I look to see his reply.

•...Like what?

Like what....not the mall, or anything super active, cause of what happened. I close my eyes and sigh, thinking hard.
I got it! It's perfect...
As long as he doesn't get the wrong idea.

Maybe the movies or something?
I think they're playing _____.And I haven't seen it yet.
If you want.
(A/N: pick a random movie, I guess.... I don't watch many movies-just anime!- so...)

Oh my gosh. I just invited someone- a boy- to the movies.

------------Arthur's POV--------------

She just invited me to a movie.
The first thing that goes through my head when I read her message is A Date!?
Of course it isn't though. She's probably still getting over Nate of something.

But seriously... that movie is awesome.

Do you want me to come by and pick you up?


•I can be there in a little while

Ok :)

It's kind of a long time, but I can't move very well, so it'll take longer, counting the time to get to her house.

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