Forgive me, please.

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If only my softball reached you the way her violin. 

I erupt with laughter, cutting the silence in class. 

"Tsubaki Sawabe," the teacher's voice booms. 

My pencil snaps, laughter ceasing. 

"What is so amusing that it leads you to interrupt the hard-working students around you?" 

 I freeze. "Nothing, sir." 

Heat flushes my features, and I bring my hand to the back of my neck.

There it is, your gaze again. 

The piano prodigy glances at me, and my eyes entertain the exchange before returning to my desk. 

"For those who weren't paying attention," multiple eyes fixate on me, "you are all to pull and analyze key quotes in a one-page summary of the required reading."

Then again, I guess my softball does reach you physically... 

"If you want my expert opinion, your notes are an excellent start." 

Maybe I'm not such a great "sister," poking fun at the brutal way that I "reached" you. 

I begin scanning my notes, paging through analysis after analysis and annotations I couldn't fit on the page. 

All the more reason for you to see me as something more... 

Or less.

A sharp pain greets me in my thumb, a line of fresh blood forming. 

I hold up my thumb and press it, attempting to stop the blood.

"Tsubaki?" Kousei approaches me, "Let me see your hand." 

I look up to see the same kid brother I've always known, a caring moron. 

I don't need your help, but... while you may be a pianist, your heart is a guitarist: no matter how much I resist you always manage to pull on my heartstrings. 

I give in, showing him my thumb.

"A paper cut, huh?" he smiles, looking up at me.

I can't bear eye contact as he pretends everything is the same. 

"Luckily, softball season is over for now so this thumb won't slow you down the same." 

Heat rises to my cheeks. 

"Why don't I get you a bandaid?" 

'My thumb may hurt, but I think my heart needs it more'

is my truth, but instead, I nod. 

"Sir, may I accompany Tsubaki to the nurse's office?"

Oh, Kousei, at least you're on the teacher's good side. 

The teacher nods, and Kousei motions me to come with him.

I get up and set my chair back underneath the desk. 

As much as I want to blame someone for my pain, I must admit...

I peer at the door which Kousei slid closed behind us.

"I'm sorry.

I look anywhere but Kousei's eyes, following him downstairs.

"For what?" he asked, stopping in his tracks.

I take a breath. "You know, for saying such things." I pause.

Although you'd been like my kid brother, your patient gaze always washes my worries away. 

"And for kicking you in the leg." I gaze at the floor.

Floor tiles have never been as interesting as they are today, huh? 

A chuckle from his direction interrupts my thoughts, and, forgetting myself, I look him straight in the eyes. 

"I forgive you, Tsubaki." 

We share a smile. 

The pain in my thumb reminds me of why we're out here in the first place, and it's almost as if he can tell because he says, "Now, let's get that finger bandaged." 

Thank you for forgiving me. 

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