P.S. You reached me

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"All right! Final train calling for those heading to the airport." 

Kousei dons a royal blue jacket with white lining and a red tie, the music school emblem designed for Kousei himself as a new addition to the piano department. 

"It's your day, Kousei," I beam. "Too bad Watari wasn't here to cheer you on right now, huh?"

He nods before responding, "Well, at least you're always by my side." 

"From the beginning," we smile together. 

Kousei pulls at his suitcase handle when I burst out, "Kousei!" 

He pauses. "Yeah?" he glances up at me, a smile resting on his face. 

"I have something for you." I fish out an envelope from my bag and hand it to him.

To: Kousei Arima

From: Tsubaki Sawabe

"Wow, a real letter, huh?" he smiles. "Should I open it now?"

"No, I think you'd appreciate it more later," I insist. 

"So when you miss me," I tease, "you'll have something to comfort you." 

He chuckles, "The trickster Tsubaki makes her attack once more." 

"Hey!" Heat flushes to my face. I forget he can tease me too. 

"But seriously," Kousei reaches for my hand.

I look at him, my heart picking up the pace. 

He cups my hand, smiling, "Thank you." 

"Last call for the train to the airport!" 

Kousei glances back at the train, a tiny sweat breaking out. "Oh, I better go!" he exclaims, wiping his forehead. 

We hug, and time slows. 

He sprints with his luggage and, right before closing the door, waves. 

"Bye Tsubaki!" he calls, "Tell Watari I say bye too!" 

"Bye Kousei! This isn't forever, you know!" I respond, waving back. "Watari and I will beat you up next time we see you if you don't email us!" 

He feigns raised eyebrows before countering, "Of course!"

The train doors close, prompting me to run with the train. 

"I don't mean that!" I yell, "I just want you to win wherever you go!" 

He nods, his eyes crinkling into a smile. 

I sprint, "Please don't forget us!"

"I could never forget you," he mouths, waving again. He closes his eyes and plants his hands on the window, looking back at me until the train enters a tunnel. 

I catch my breath. 

Lucky for him, I answered his question from months ago. 

P.S. You reached me 

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