Chapter 1 Small blood bag

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[Quick travel] The host is OOC again
set up
turn off the lights

Chapter 1 Small blood bag

    More than a dozen teenagers had hemp ropes tied around their wrists and iron shackles on their feet. They followed the pale and fierce man with their heads down, shivering.

    At the end of the long and narrow corridor, there is a door outlined with roses. There is a faint warm light in the crack of the door, and there is a trace of heat in the cold winter.


    One of the teenagers struggled and rushed forward, but tripped over the chain on his feet and fell to the ground. He lay prostrate on the ground, trembling.


    "Ah! It hurts so much..."

    The whip came with the sound of breaking through the air, and there was a bloody whip mark on the young man's thin back.

    The viscous bright red liquid slid down his protruding shoulder blades, and a sweet smell wafted in the air.

    Gu Zhu shrank at the end, he shrugged his nose, then frowned.

    He doesn't like the smell of blood...

    but some people do.

    As soon as the regulators smelled the blood, their expressions changed. They narrowed their eyes intoxicated, and there was a weird and enjoyable smile at the corner of their mouths.

    Gu Zhu felt chills in the smiles of these people.

    The young man looked at the supervisors approaching him in horror, and curled up into a ball powerlessly.

    "No, don't...don't come here..."

    Qi Qi jumped up and down, a little gloating: "Oh host, why are you so unlucky."

    Gu Zhu glared at him angrily, this guy is really a fast learner, he can laugh at himself !

    All the voices stopped in an instant, those supervisors knelt on one knee, lowered their heads in the direction of the rose door, and those teenagers looked blankly at the wide open door.

    The old man with gray hair, a pair of disc glasses, and a tuxedo exposed half of his body. He raised his hand gracefully, and with just a snap of his fingers, the ugly supervisor turned into ashes.

    Panic spread in an instant...

    The old man squinted his eyes and said without any emotion in his tone: "Bring it in."

    These people staggered into the warm room.

    Gu Zhu touched his skin, he felt that the temperature here was too high, which was abnormal.

    Thick sweat oozes from the forehead, the red lips of the sensitive young man are slightly parted, he breathes quickly, and there is a drop of clear sweat on the tip of his nose.

    The blush spread from the neck all the way, and after a while, Gu Zhu's cheeks were flushed. Under the effect of the temperature, the boy's eyes blurred, and the blood on his body began to flow rapidly, and the veins pulsated under the thin skin.

    They were taken to the spacious living room and asked to stand in two rows.

    Only at this time did Gu Zhu have the opportunity to count how many of them there are.

    There were twelve teenagers in total. Gu Zhu pursed her lips and secretly glanced at the charming man sitting on the black throne.

    "Qiqi, is that him?"

[Quick travel] The host is OOC againWhere stories live. Discover now