study sesh;) K.B

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Summary: You decide to help Kate study for a test and you find out she's never had an orgasm before ;)

Warning: Smut


"This is so fucking stupid" Kate groaned as she ran her fingers through her dark locks.

We've been sitting on the edge of her bed for an hour, reading off an english text book and highlighting notes.

"Just a little more Kate, you can't afford to fail this test."

"Why do I even need college? People can be successful without it." She groans

"You're right. You don't need it. Your mom will kill you if you drop out though"

"Ugh don't remind me" she says shutting the textbook in her lap. "Can we take a break? please?" She says giving me puppy dog eyes

"Fine but we're jumping back into it right after." I tell her seriously

"maybe if you put all your attention into school and not the archery range, we wouldn't have to do this" I laugh "Those girls that always watch you shoot aren't a big help either" I add on

She raises an eyebrow giving me a questioning look "Those girls just must really like archery"

"Yeah right, they totally go to your practices just to watch you, Kate how have you not realized? They're lining up to sleep with you if they haven't already"

"Hey what's that supposed to mean? I don't sleep around you know. I need to have a deep connection with anyone that gets to see this banging body" she says moving her hands up and down her body in a sexual way

"Wait really? you've never slept with any of them?" I asked, surprised

"No. I haven't slept with anyone since I started college"

"Wow i figured you'd be addicted to that kind of thing" I say

"What kind of thing?"


"Oh" her head drops to her lap, blushing "i don't think i've ever had one"

my eyes widen "You're lying."

"Josh almost did but he finished way before i could"

josh, her ex boyfriend who was a total airhead, all muscles and no brain was the closest thing she's ever had to an orgasm? no way

I stare at her, processing what she just told me



"Can I kiss you?"

glancing down at my lips, she nods

I lean over and connect our lips. Surprisingly, this isn't the first time we've kissed. We've made out at parties while we were both drunk but this time, it was different.

As our lips move, my whole body fills with butterflies. Every time we kiss it gets better and better. Feeling her kiss back with her soft lips and open mouth, heat flows through my body.

Her hands tangle in my hair while mine find their way to her hips. Squeezing them lightly. Moving one of my hands to her thigh i squeeze it lightly

"Get on my lap" I say against her lips

and she does, moving to straddle me, she never disconnects our lips

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