Obsession Pt. 2

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Warning: a little bit of somno, if you're not comfortable with reading that then please DONT READ.

As time went on, Kate's obsession had increased dramatically. She got bolder with her break ins. Watching you sleep, she even went as far as to drop sleeping medication in the drinks left in your fridge to ensure you stayed sound asleep while she had her fun in your bedroom.

Your friendship had blossomed over the last couple weeks too. Kate would take you out to breakfast or dinner or sometimes just out on walks with her dog.

"What's that on your neck? Are you cheating on me?" Kate joked, as she sat across from you at a local coffee shop

Your cheeks burned and rubbed your neck slightly, truthfully, you didn't know what it was. You had been waking up with bruises all over your neck, stomach and thighs. Although they were light, they were still very noticeable. Your underwear was also soaked every time you woke up. The uncomfortable wetness between your thighs always made you get up and clean yourself up. You brushed it off thinking you probably hit yourself at work. After all, you bruised like a peach.

"Not at all, It's not like I have time for that anyway" You responded, the blush on your cheeks still apparent. You knew Kate was joking, but the thought of her being your girlfriend made your heart flutter.

Kate smirked, last night she had been in your room, mouth on your neck while she groped you lightly. You were her perfect girl, all she needed was you. Slipping her hand in your panties was now a regular thing, Kate had pleasure in hearing your sleepy whimpers or other cute sounds you made in your sleep.

After your little coffee date with Kate, You went to work. Kate watched as you went home and changed, getting ready for your shift. She had invited you over for a movie night but you respectfully declined, giving her the excuse that you would be tired after work.

At 8:53 pm, you got home. Right on schedule Kate thought as she watched through the screen.

But this was different.

You hadn't taken a sip of your sleep medicine dosed water or juice sitting in your fridge, instead you went into your closet and changed into a brand new outfit that exposed too much skin of Kate's liking.

What were you doing?

Where were you going?

Who were you going to meet?

All these thoughts invaded Kate's head at rapid speed, her blood now boiling at the fact that you lied to her about being tired.

As you made your way outside of your house, she mentally cursed herself for not putting a camera at your doorstep to see if anyone would pick you up.

Was there someone else?

Why were you hiding this from her?

Kate waited til you reached your destination to get into her car and drive to you. Your location pin had now dropped at a bar near your house. She dressed in black and put on a black baseball hat to blend in with the drunk crowd at the bar.

Kate watched as you met with a taller woman, hugging her and motioned her to sit down at the bar. This infuriated Kate. She became angry at the thought of you brushing her off to meet with another woman.

Are you not the girl I thought you were? How could i have got this wrong

Kate thought as she watched you laugh at the woman.

All night the woman bought you drinks, touched your thigh and left no space for your personal space.

Gritting her teeth, Kate watched as she walked you out of the bar, the alcohol was getting to you.

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