Drunk Thots K.B

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Summary: You and Kate have a little rivalry in the archery team. After celebrating a win with alcoholic drinks, things take a turn;)

Warnings: SMUT and Kate is g!p
this is for all my tops out there

Don't read if you're uncomfortable....

Also, I missed you.

You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding once you shot the arrow. Hitting the yellow color indicating you shot a perfect 10.

After only shooting 8's and 9's you felt somewhat relieved. Kate, the team captain was on your ass, shouting at you to do better.

You hated her, you hated how cocky she was, how she walked, how she talked. Her overall presence just angered you. But. You had to deal with it. After winning most of the archery competitions, she of course became team captain, a position you had been working hard for.

Kate was a good shot, you'll give her that. That didn't stop her from being annoying though. Her annoyance with you and the way you shoot bows grew too.

"That was a good shot, keep it up and maybe one day you'll be as good as me" Kate smirked at you

You rolled your eyes, your heart was pounding. All you needed was one more shot. A perfect 10 and you'd be on the way to nationals.

As you set up to shoot again, you tried to ease your mind but all you could think about, was Kate.

If you missed this shot, she'd make your life a living hell, Kate would never let you live it down. Ruining the teams chances of making it to nationals would kill you inside.

The pressure was getting to you. Focusing your eyes and saying a little prayer in your head, you shot at the target.


The crowd cheered and your teammates came to hug you, jumping around all around you while chanting your name.

You felt good. The best you've ever felt actually.

"Fuck yeah Y/n! Let's go celebrate." Your friend, Kayla said, dragging you to the locker room to get changed.


After the competition, everyone met up at your teammates house, everyone had a celebratory drink in their hand plus more on the side. Kate hadn't said a word to you about the win.

For some reason, you felt the need to have her approval, even if she put you down most of the time.

Pushing your feelings aside, you drank. After all you felt like you deserved it. And you did.

Meanwhile Kate was also drinking, trying to ease her nerves on how she was going to congratulate you. For her, it was so easy to trash talk but to compliment/ congratulate you? that was a whole different ball game.

Drink after drink, Kate decided it was time to talk to you, she watched as you made your way upstairs, she followed, right behind as you walked into one of the empty rooms.

You sighed as you laid down on the bed, closing your eyes, just wanting to rest and get away from the celebration going on downstairs.

"That was a hell of a shot today"

You shrieked and lifted your head immediately to the voice inside the room

"You fucking scared me" You say holding your hand over your heart.


"Fuck you"

"That was harsh. I just came up here to congratulate you and thank you for not screwing us over like you have before." Kate said

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