Piano lessons;)

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Summary: You start taking piano lessons from a hottie aka hailee steinfeld ;)

warnings: smut

also shout out to whoever said writing summaries is harder than writing the story itself cuzzzzz wtf

It's been a couple weeks since you started taking piano lessons with her.

Originally, your parents had paid another woman to teach you to play piano. You remembered all the times your mother would tell you that it would look great on college applications.

But your first teacher sucked. She was an old lady who screamed in your ear every time you messed up in the slightest. She smelled like old lady and had no patience.

The only thing she taught you to play was hot cross buns. Thankfully, your mother had reached out to a younger woman, with a pretty impressive background. She was top tier in anything music related, not to mention drop dead gorgeous.

Knowing your mother spent a pretty penny on these piano lessons, you were nervous for your first session.

Once the day came, you spent an embarrassingly long time getting ready, wanting to impress her, wearing your best perfume, putting on your favorite skirt, overall you wanted to look your absolute best.

After the first couple sessions, you knew you liked her, her personality, her looks. Everything about her was perfect. Not to mention she's been a great piano teacher, you learned quick with her.

"Just focus on my fingers, you almost got the whole song down, just repeat after me" She tells you and you nod, looking down at the keys

But all you could focus on was her hands. The long slender fingers that wore rings on both of her middle fingers, the nails that were perfectly taken care of and polished. The light veins that could be seen.

She begins to play the last notes of Mia and Sebastian's theme from La La Land, her fingers gliding over the keys in a perfect way, when finally she stops.

"Your turn" she smiles,
You begin the song, it came natural. You've played this song a hundred times but you still couldn't get the last notes.

As you neared the end, you squeezed your eyes shut and tried to picture Hailee's hands playing.

"Holy shit! you did it!" You opened your eyes to a excited Hailee, waving her hands in a exaggerated manner, with a big smile

You grinned back at her

The excitement scribbled all over her face when she leaned in and gave you a kiss on the lips

"Oh my god i'm so sorry-" she stumbled

As shocked as you were, you managed to focus on her instead

"It's okay" You smiled

"That was a good way to celebrate" you added on

Leaning forward, she enveloped your lips with hers once again. This time, you kissed her back instantly.

Why did she have such soft lips?

Kissing her got heated quick, her lips left to kiss your neck, she teethed at your skin, while your soft moans fell from your lips undoubtedly.

She left your neck, making you groan in response, standing up from the piano, she walked behind you on the stool, lightly pulling it out a little further.

You watch as she walks in front of you, between you and the piano, getting on her knees in front of you. Momentarily you mentally thank yourself for choosing to wear a skirt today.

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