Chapter 2

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                        Y/ns pov

District 4 Y/n y/l/n report for your assessment spoke the mic.

I got up and looked at Johanna for a sec and she nodded.

I walked off and entered the room and saw Finnick walking to the exit.

Goodluck darling spoke Finnick.

I smiled and nodded.

I walked up to them.

Miss y/l/n you have 10 minutes to present your chosen skill spoke Plutarch.

I nodded and quickly went to my options.

I started making a fish nook after some time I finished and put it down.

I looked up at them and Plutarch smiled and nodded.

I nodded and left.

(Next day)

I got in my dress to go put to meet with ceasur like everyone else.

I walked with my stylish named Catherine.

I looked at my dress and it was beautiful.

Wow Catherine you out did yourself it's gorgeous I spoke.

Thanks y/n spoke Catherine.

I got in the dress and Catherine helped me.

She then put a pearl necklace on me then did my makeup to look like a theme for the ocean.

Alright all set spoke Catherine.

I smiled and walked off to join everyone.

I stood by Finnick.

Finnick took my hand and kissed it.

You look gorgeous my love spoke Finnick.

I smiled up at him.

And you look handsome I spoke as I grabbed him and kissed him.

We then heard our name and we walked together.

Everything cheered together when they saw us walk through.

I held onto Finnicks arm as we walked together to ceasur.

Hello Finnick and y/n wonderful to see you spoke Ceasur.

I smiled at him.

It's great to see you again ceasur I spoke.

So tell us were you planning on proposing to y/n Finnick asked ceasur.

Actually I already did before we found out that we were going in the games again spoke Finnick.

I showed ceasur the ring.

Oh my that a  gorgeous ring that you choose Finnick gorgeous spoke Ceasur.

I smiled.

Now I'm very sorry that you two couldn't have a wedding but how come you never told us about the engagement asked ceasur.

Well we were but we were put in the games I spoke.

Y/n did you ever want to have kids asked ceasur.

I thought for a sec and looked at Finnick.

Yes me and Finnick wanted to start are family but I see we probably can't because either one of us will be dead or both of us I spoke.

Y/n I must say that dress is gorgeous your designer outdid herself spoke Ceasur.

Thanks I love it too I spoke.

Ceasur nodded.

Finnick do you have anything to say to y/n before you go into the games asked ceasur.

Finnick smiled and took my hands.

My love you have my heart for all eternity and I uh if I die in the arena my last thought of you will be your lips my dear he spoke.

I smiled as I started to cry a little.

Oh Finnick I spoke and I hugged him.

Everyone awed

Finnick then kissed me and everyone awed even more at the kiss.

Ceasur smiled.

Well give it up for Finnick and Y/n spoke Ceasur.

Everyone started to clap for us.

We nodded and we both walked up the stairs together.

Finnick and beete helped me get on and I stood by them.

We waited until everyone was done.

We got to Katniss and her wedding dress turned into a mocking Jay it was beautiful.

Then we got to peeta and he said that Katniss was woth a child and my eyes widen.

Soon we all joined together.

I took beetes and Finnick hand and we raised up into the air as we stood together.

Everyone kept saying stop the games.

Soon the lights went out and we still stood there hand on hand and everyone screamed.

I then got down after all light went out Finnick helped me down and we walked together and left.

We got to our room I sat down and started taking off my makeup as Finnick went into the bathroom to take care of his outfit.

I finished taking off my makeup and went to grab my clothes.

I saw Finnick leave the bathroom so I took it after some time I left the bathroom and we left the room to sit down together.

We then saw haymitch walk towards us.

He started telling us the plan and about District 13 and then he gave Finnick his bracelet and he told us that Katniss will know your on her side.

I got confused.

What about me I asked.

Katniss wants you as alliance so your fine spoke haymitch.

I nodded and he left.

I saw Finnick put the bracelet on and I chuckled at him.

We then sat down and we cuddled together.

I wish they would cancel the games I spoke.

Me two my love me to spoke Finnick as he kissed me.

We then got up and went to go sleep together.

(Next day)

I walked with Catherine and we entered.

Do you know about the plan I whispered to her.

She nodded and got me ready.

Thank you I spoke.

She nodded.

I got in and I looked at her as they closed.

I started to go up and i saw light as I looked around to see water.

I smirked when I saw it and I new it was themed for me and Finnick.

That's the end for this chapter on to the next chapter bye!!

- Scarlett

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