Chapter 5

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Y/n's pov

We continued to walk I jumped down from a rock and looked at Johanna as she helped Katniss.

We soon continued walking.

Come on I want to put as much distance between me and this beach as possible frying is not how I want to go spoke Johanna.

I looked at Katniss and noticed she stopped and I looked at her confused.

There's something spoke Katniss.

We looked and the coil snapped my eyes widen.

Me and Johanna moved and I watched as Johanna hit Katniss and I joined them to the ground.

I grabbed Katniss arm and held it for Johanna.

Johanna got the tracker out and Katniss groaned in pain.

We then hushed Katniss.

Stay down we both whispered.

I looked and I quickly collapsed as Johanna threw her axe at them then ran.

I closed my eyes acting dead.

I soon heard them leave and I looked at Katniss.

I them heard Finnick.

Johanna, Y/n where are you screamed Finnick.

I was about to yell but Katniss grabbed my mouth and covered it and kept me quiet and we both backed away.

I heard footsteps and heard Finnick.

Johanna, Y/n spoke Finnick.

I then heard him run off and I looked at katniss has tears came out of my eyes.

Peeta spoke Katniss.

I looked at her as she got up I followed after her.

We looked at the tree after Katniss picked up some of the wires.

Peeta spoke Katniss.

I followed her and I saw a spark my eyes widen and I ran with Katniss.

I saw Beetee on the floor and I ran to him.

Beetee, Beetee I spoke.

Katniss picked up a stick with the wire on it.

I looked at it and I looked at her with a worried look on my face.

We then heard a cannon and my eyes widen.

PEETA screamed Katniss.

She got up and I followed as I held onto my triton.

PEETA screamed Katniss.

I heard something and we both looked.

Katniss took out her arrows to get ready to attack and I got into fighting position.

Katniss, Y/n where are you screamed Finnick.

My eyes widen as I looked at him.

I looked at Katniss and shook my head no.

Finnick then looked at us and I got up.

Katniss remember who the real enemy is spoke Finnick.

I looked at Katniss as I slowly went towards Finnick.

I then ran towards Finnick when she lowered her weapon.

Finnick hugged me and kissed me I kissed him back.

Soon we heard something we looked up.

I looked at Katniss as I held onto Finnick.

Katniss get away from that tree spoke Finnick.

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