Chapter 13

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                          Y/n's pov

I smiled as I packed a picnic basket. Soon, a child came running in and hugged my leg, and I smiled and picked him up.

Liam, mommy's busy here I spoke with a smile.

Liam started to laugh as he hugged me.

Mommy, when are we going to the sea asked Liam.

I smiled.

Soon now, go bother your daddy I spoke.

Liam smiled and ran off after I put him down.

I smiled and continued to packed the basket more.

Soon I finished and walked to find Finnick running after Liam.

Get back here, Liam yelled Finnick with a smile on his face.

I smiled and moved to pick up my baby girl and walked towards Finnick and Liam.

Finnick looked at me as he held Liam.

I smiled and kissed Finnick, and he kissed me back happily.

We soon started to walk to the ocean and I watched as Finnick put the blanket on the sand and I sat down and put the basket down as I held my daughter in my arms as she was asleep in my arms.

I looked at Finnick as he ran after Liam to the water, and I smiled as I watched them play in the water.

I looked at my daughter Sarah, and I kissed her head gently, and I continued to watch Finnick with Liam.

Soon Sarah made a crying noise and I hushed her as rocked her in my arms and kissed her.

Shh, it's okay. Mommy's got you mommy will he here to protect you, and so will Daddy I whispered.

I smiled as Sarah fell back asleep. I was my arms, and I looked at Finnick again as he looked my way and smiled as he held onto Liam in his arms, and he moved to walk towards us.

I smiled at him as Finnick sat down by me and put Liam on his lap.

I smiled as Liam kissed his baby sisters forehead gently, and I smiled.

I then looked at Finnick as he kissed me.

Soon, Liam looked at me.

Mommy, can you sing to me and Sarah the song that Auntie Katniss sings asked Liam.

I smiled and nodded as I remembered Katniss taught me the song.

Deep in the meadow under the willow, a bed of grass, a soft green pillow, lay down your head and close your eyes, and when they open, the sun will rise here its safe here its warm here the daisy's gaurd you from every harm here your dream are sweet and tomorrow brings them true here is the place where I love you I sang.

I smiled at Liam as he leaned into Finnick and started to eat a sandwich as I was singing.

I looked at Finnick with love in my eyes, and he smiled at me and kissed me.

I started to smile up at him, and I looked at Liam and sarah with happiness.

Finnick, Liam, and Sarah are my world, and I'd do anything for them, I thought to myself.

I looked at the sea with Finnick as we enjoyed the sound of the sea and the birds and I layed my head on Finnicks shoulder as we enjoyed this moment together and I smiled as I felt Finnick wrap his arms around me.

I smiled and moved closer to Finnick and continued to lay there and looked at my kids and the ocean.

I looked at Finnick, then I smiled at Liam as he looked at us both and smiled and hugged us both and his baby sister with love and affection, and I smiled at that.

I then looked when I heard footsteps, and I looked and saw Johanna walking with Annie, and I smiled at them.

Liam looked and got excited and got up quickly and ran.


I smiled as Johanna got down and hugged Liam.

There he is, one of my favorite Odairs spoke Johanna.

I laughed as I looked at her.

Soon, Liam hugged Annie and I smiled at this.

Soon, Johanna picked up Liam and walked towards us with Annie and sat down by us and looked at us as Johanna put Liam on her lap.

I smiled at them both.

Glade you guys could make it I spoke.

Johanna and Annie nodded.

Yeah, of course we wouldn't miss it for the world to see you guys, and Liam and Sarah here spoke Johanna.

I smiled at them both as Annie nodded at what Johanna said.

Yeah, I'd never want to miss a meet-up with these two little cuties spoke Annie.

I laughed softly as Finnick held me in his arms.

I smiled as Annie took Sarah in her arms so she could hold her, and Annie smiled at Sarah.

She looks just like her mother spoke Annie.

I smiled at Annie.

Thanks Annie I spoke.

Annie nodded.

Yeah, and Liam here looks just like Finnick he's a mini Finnick Odair spoke Johanna.

I laughed as I looked at Finnick, and Finnick just looked at Johanna and chuckled.

I smiled at them soon. I looked and saw Pollux and Cressida walking towards us and sitting down with us.

Hey, great to see ya. I'm glad we ran into all of you spoke Cressida.

I smiled at them.

It's great to see you as well. I haven't seen you since we left to come back here I spoke.

Cressida nodded and looked at Liam and Sarah.

Who are these little cuties asked Cressida.

Oh, this is Liam, our oldest, and this is Sarah, our youngest I spoke.

Cressida and Pollux smiled at our kids as Finnick held me close to him.

Soon after a while Finnick took Liam to play in the water as I sat with Johanna, Annie, Cressida and Pollux and we watched Finnick play with Liam in the water and I smiled to myself as I held my daughter Sarah close to me.

I smiled as I watched Liam run in the water as Johanna and Annie ran to join Finnick and Liam in the water.

I smiled as I saw the sunset as Liam played in the water with his aunts and his dad.

I looked at my family and I knew that life was good and especially since me and finnick are thinking of having another kid when Sarah gets a bit older.

I smiled as I thought of having my family get bigger and I chuckled to myself, knowing life is good and it's gonna get better later in the future thanks to no hunger games are here anymore and that my children are safe in the world now.

That is the end of the chapter if you want me to continue the story and come up with more chapters and the life of Finnicks and y/n family I'd happily do so just let me know and I'll happily do it for you all well bye!!

- Scarlett

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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