Chapter 8

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Y/n's pov

I watched the TV and it was peeta giving the speech.

Tonight we've received reports of derailed trains of granaries on fire and of a savage attack on the hydroelectric dam in district 5 spoke Peeta.

I then heard katniss say what have they done to you.

I looked at her but back at the TV.

I'm begging for restraint and decency spoke Peeta.

We interrupt your regularly scheduled horse manure to bring you spoke beetee.

I smiled at the video of katniss is shown as she sang and it showed district 12.

That's it that's our footage spoke Coin.

Beetees in spoke Plutarch.

Katniss spoke Peeta.

He sees it he's sees our propo spoke Coin.

I nodded as I watched.

Katniss are you there asked Peeta.

Peeta spoke Katniss.

She ran towards the screen and I looked at her then back at the TV.

Katniss spoke Peeta.

Peeta please continue you were telling us about these savage attacks spoke Ceasar.

Yeah the attack on the dam was a callous and inhuman act of destruction spoke peeta.

Then the video shows again cutting peeta off again.

Them it showed peeta leaning in.

Think about it how will this end what will be left no one can survive this no one is safe now not here in the capitol not in any of the districts they're coming katniss they're gonna kill everyone and in district 13 you'll be dead by morning yelled peeta.

Soon he was taken and it was cut off.

I looked in horror.

He's warned us that was a warning spoke Haymitch.

Yes it was spoke Boggs.

I looked at them with worry.

We have to get him out before they kill him spoke Katniss.

Is there anything there asked Coin.

Nothing on Doppler ma'am spoke a guy.

He was in the mansion he could have overheard something spoke Coin.

Possibly spoke Plutarch.

It's time for an air raid drill spoke Coin.

Then the alarm went off and I moved quickly to find Finnick.

This is a red alert please remin calm and begin evacuation protocol spoke the emergency voice.

I quickly moved to follow everyone as I looked for Finnick closely.

I soon ran and looked everywhere for Finnick.


I didn't see him and I ran off to look for him quickly.

The emergency women continue to speak in directs as I went back to following people hoping to see Finnick.

I continued to go down with worry.

Soon as I went down the lights went out and the water sprinklers went on and I looked in fear and moved to go down carefully.

I soon got to the bottom and I ran through the door and looked for Finnick.

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