Part 41

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She feels good after telling them everything, it feel like heavy stone left from her heart.

Present time

They reached their destination. Army 5 closed the terrace door.

Si Jin called helicopters. One helicopter came and another one was 5 min late.
Si jin : " Umm guys... we have to make two groups. We all will not fit in this one. Another helicopter is coming in 5 min. So decide who will go first and who will wait. We have to make a group of 9 people. "
Everyone: " I will wait."
They all said at the same time.
Si Jin: " Ok I will make group.... Jisoo, Jimin, Jhope, IU, YN, Jennie, Rose, Scoups and Jungkook you all go first."
Yn: " But--"
Suga: " No but. "
Jungkook: " Don't you think there should even 1 Army in this group. What if something happens?"
Si Jin: " Yes you're right--"
Jungkook: " Yes I am always right.😎"
Si Jin: " So one has to replace... So who--"
Yn: " I will wait."
Everyone: " NO"
Yn: " But why?"
Everyone: " No means no."
Jk: " I will wait .....and no more arguments. "
Everyone was about say something but before he said.
Si Jin: " Ok so Army2 you go."
Army2: " Ok commander."
Yn was not feeling good from inside like something is going to happen.
She doesn't want to leave them but she didn't have another choice. They all hug each other before going inside. Suga and Jk consoled yn.
They all climb up at helicopter. Everything was normal. But when the helicopter started its engine, all the zombies near this building started getting inside the building because of the helicopter sound. They weren't aware of this.
Some zombies who were on the road started chasing the helicopter because of the sound but Ofcourse they can't chase them. But some zombies were inside the building were going towards the terrace.

You will think how they knew that humans are on the terrace? So let me tell you that zombies can smell humans and their hearing power is double comparing to us, that's why they always be able to chase them.
After 3 mins zombies reached terrace and the smell of humans was strong. They started banging door. Everyone who was on the terrace became startled.
Si Jin: " Don't panic children helicopter is coming. I will ask them again."
He talked Pilot and he said they will arrive in 3 mins.
He told everyone and said to be quite.
And armies were ready with their rifles facing towards door. All students were at their back. Then they heard helicopter sound but it was little far.
Because of the helicopter sound all the zombies started banging the door stronger and they started breaking it.
And in few seconds they break the door and started running towards them but before they can reach towards them, Armies started killing them.

Something like that I didn't get video I was searching for.

All four soliders were fighting with zombies and protecting them.
It was becoming hard for them to fight them as so many zombies were attacking them. And because of gun shot sound and helicopter sound, more and more zombies are coming from anywhere from back, front, left and right. They were also fighting with zombies from whatever they found.
One zombie bite Army 4's feet.
Army4: " Ahhhhh"
Si Jin: " What happen?"
Army4: " I will become zombie, he bite me."
Army 3 shot that man but he was late. Army 4 was still saving them with zombies and slowly slowly he also started becoming zombie but before he fully becamezombiehe jump from terrace.
Suga took Army4 rifle and started shooting zombies. One zombie bite DK's arm as he didn't saw him coming towards him. Tears flow from his left eyes. He didn't tell anyone. Jin came infront of him and wiped his tears and said 'Don't cry everything will be fine and we will get out from here together. '
Dk smile at him and he also. Jin doesn't know that DK will also become zombie. Jin turn and saw zombie infront of him and about to bite him DK punched him. Jin thank him. Dk just smiled and started fighting.
Then helicopter came, door open and rope ladder was thrown. It can't land because of the zombies.

Someone announce from above 'One by one start climbing.'
Si jin: " Start climbing one by one Jin you go first."
Jin: " But-."
Si jin: " No but whatever I am saying follow my command without arguments. You're are older that's why I am saying. "
Jin: " What do you mean by older?"
Si jin: " If something happens to you their will be less chance to save you as your immune system is not strong. "
Jin: " Yahhh "
He started his rap.
Suga: " Hyung it's not the time for your rap. We will listen later now go first. "
Jin: " Ok I see you all later."
He hold the ladder and started climbing, he reached. Then it was DK turn but he send RM. Then it was JK turn but 3 zombies attack him. He was trying hard. Armies were fighting with zombies and they didn't saw him. Suga came and started shooting them but then his rifle bullet was over.
Suga: " JK you go. I will see them."
Jk: " But how can I leave you like this here."
Suga: " I SAID GO. And take care of my sister. "
Jk: " Ok but I will not leave you here you go first your bullet is also over."
Suga: " I am fine you go. I will come back. I am strong and I have to talk to you and Jhope. I will come back. Don't think I will leave you alone with my sister. "
Jk laughed how can he be like this in every situation.
Suga: " Now go."
He started climbing. He was about to reach when he heard. He look down he saw Hyung was covered with zombies and DK and Si jin was removing them.
Suga: " Take care of my sisters. And tell them that I will come back
soon and don't cry. And you also don't think that it happens because of you."
He stood up and thrown all the zombies and told armies to go.
Suga: " You all go I will hold them. You also go DK what are you doing here till now."
Dk: " I can't go. I will also help you."
Suga: " What do you mean?"
DK shows his arm, where that zombie has bitten. Suga just hug him.
Suga: " Don't worry, everything will be fine again. "
Before anymore he could say he became zombie.
Suga send armies and he also became zombie.
Helicopter flew away.
It landed, door open everyone came out one by one. Everyone's eyes were red and puffy expect armies. They were also sad and wanted to cry but can't.

To be continue...

Sorry for uploading so late. Next part will come soon if anymore problems will not come.
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Have A Good Day Armies💜.

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