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It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his....

"Aria,Come down!" Calls mum as I start reading pride and prejudice for the 100th time, I think. It is my favourite book among all other Jane Austen's books.

"Aria!" She shouts again. I go down having no choice but to set aside the book.

"Yes mum."

"Oh god Ari, they will be here soon, go get ready!" She orders. "And apply some makeup." She says as she's setting up the table.

"But why? it's only uncle Freddie," I object.

"It's not only Freddie, he is also bringing is neighbours' nephew Peter!" she informs. "And Peter is a doctor!" She says with a smile.

"Oh mum! I told you a thousand times to not set me up with these losers! I'm still young, I can find someone on my own, you know."

"Oh please, you haven't had a boyfriend yet! Always busy working at that school and hardly socialise. Ari, tell the truth dear, are you a lesbian?" She asked concerned.

"No mum, it's just that there aren't any good guys out there and I love my job! Teaching children is rewarding you know. They are the futures of our country."

"Always thinking about the children's future! When will you think about yours! She remarks. "I'm telling you Peter is a good guy."

"Mum I want Darcy, Knightly or Captain Wentworth." I say dreaming, "and I am sure Peter can never compete with either of them."

"Oh Ari! Stop with those books! Come back to reality! I am sure you will find the one if you really try!" She urges.

"Mum, if it has to happened it will happened leave it to destiny!" I suggest as I hug her.

"Then just remain a spinster forever! Shall we also adopt cats for you?" She says sarcastically.

"Oh mum stop! It's misogynistic, when men don't marry they are just called bachelors and players, but when women like me don't choose to marry, they are looked down upon and called spinster? Like what can we do if the quality of men have decreased so drastically. Better stay single than marry those douche bags!

"Oh Ari! enough with that, please go upstairs and put on that black dress I got you— also put on some lipstick and blush and maybe some eyeshadow... "

"I'm only putting lipstick!" I say as I go up stairs to change.

After my dad passed away when I was 18, it was just me and my mum. I got a job as a substitute and eventually made my way to being a permanent highschool English teacher. It was the best job for me! As an avid book reader myself, I got to discuss various books with my students and introduce them to the world of literature. My mum is a nurse, who had to work very hard after my father died to support us. She had always been concerned about me, and wanted me to be extroverted like others. But I was not an introvert, rather I was fulfilled reading books on my own than going to party every weekend. I had never dated because aside from work, I never found, or tried to find a guy. I was happy with Mr Darcy and Mr Knightley and knew no one could match them. I also do not believe in love, that sort of love portrayed in Austen's novels, it was impossible to find in the real world and I made my peace with it. My mum wasn't too happy about and tried to set me up several time unsuccessfully. And the time was no different.

After I change into my black silk dress, I put on some makeup on my face— blush and lipstick. I stared at myself for a while. Everything was uncertain in life. I was happy in my cocoon with my books, but I needed more thrill, adventure and I wondered if I would one day just leave everything and go search for it.

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