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"Lydia has eloped!" Elizabeth says hysterically.

"What! With whom?" I ask worried.

"Mr—Mr Wickham!" She says as she starts crying.

"Oh do not worry, we will fix this," I console her.

"It is my fault, I should have listened to you when you had a bad feeling about sending Lydia," she said crying.

"No Elizabeth! don't blame yourself, you couldn't have known this. Lydia told us Wickham wasn't gonna be there,"

"I think she lied, but why would she do that? Despite us telling her he is not a good man...she has run away with him!" She sobs.

"Oh let's think about how to bring her back now!" I say as I run down stairs to find Mr and Mrs Gardiner. When Mr Darcy enters.

"Miss Woods! Are you alright?" He says as he enters.

"No Mr Darcy! I need to talk to Mr and Mrs Gardiner urgently—so excuse me."

"But why are you crying," he points out when I realise tears were flowing down my face.

"Not now!" I say as I wipe my face and rush

"They have gone out ma'am," informs a maid to me.

"Send someone to find them and get them quickly," Darcy orders. "Come here Miss Woods, sit down," he directs me to the sitting area. "Breathe," he try's to calm me down. "Now tell me what's the matter."

"Lydia has run away with Mr Wickham," I say as I cry. "And I couldn't  do anything about it," I say coving my face with my palms.

"Aria!" Elizabeth enters. "Where is my aunt and uncle?" She says with a crying face.

"They have gone out, I have sent someone to get them," informs Darcy.

"Thank you Mr Darcy," Elizabeth says as she sits next to me.

"Do not worry, I will take care of it."

"Mr Darcy! Please do not tell anybody of this news. I would like to conceal it as long as I can." Request Elizabeth.

"I got it!" I said realising I knew where they were. "Mr Darcy, Mrs Young will know where they are!" I say.

"Mr Younge? How do you know her," he asks confused.

"There is no time to explain," I brush the question off. "We should go to London!" I decide. "Mr Darcy, if you don't mind can I accompany to London? I believe you will leave today?" I ask.

"But Miss Woods, it is not proper for a lady to go alone with a man," he objects.

"Mr Darcy! I don't care! Right now my priority is to find Lydia and so is yours I believe," I counter.

"If you are fine with it," he agrees.

"I will also come," Elizabeth says.

"No! Elizabeth you go to Loungbourn with your aunt and uncle, take care of things there," I assert .

"Aria! I know everything you know. So let me come," she says still crying.

"No Elizabeth, I think you should go and take care of yourself and your family. Do not worry I will get Lydia as soon as I can," I assure her before we leave.

I packed my suitcase as soon as I could and after a halt at Pemberley we made our way to London in the carriage.

"Mrs Younge was the governor of my sister when she lived in London. She was the one Wickham schemed with," he explains.

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