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The next morning, we all had breakfast together. Mr Collins constantly talking about Lady Cathrine de Bourgh and analysing every detail of yesterday's dinner.

"Elizabeth, it was very rude of you to show hesitation when Ladyship told you to play the piano," I remarked.

"I did not mean to offended her," Elizabeth said sternly.

"My dear let us not discuss that and focus on eating first," Jane tried to lighten the mood.

"I have to leave!" Mr Collins said as he bid is all good bye.

"Jane I have so much to tell you!" Elizabeth exclaimed right after Mr Collins left. "Charlotte has gone to India on a mission! I just feel so sad for I have lost the company of a close friend.

"But why would she do that?" Jane asked innocently.

"She is 27, she has no money no prospects. She was already a burden to her parents," I repeated what Charlotte had said.

"Oh I'm sure she could find someone to marry her, besides she is such a lovely girl," Jane remarked.

"She is doing what she wants to let us be happy for her," Elizabeth suggests.

"Is she?" I remark. "Excuse me, I want to explore the property a little," I get up to leave.

"I will give you a tour!," Jane offers.

"No you finished your breakfast peacefully," I suggest as I go out on my own.

"I will accompany you," Elizabeth offered as both of us made our way out.


"Elizabeth what has happened?" I asked not being able to suppress my curiosity.

"Nothing I am alright," she replied confused.

"No I mean like—why have you become so pessimistic? The Elizabeth I knew wanted to call in love..."

"I haven't changed Aria! The circumstances have changed. I had the decision to choose Darcy or myself and I chose myself—now I must suffer the consequences!" She explains.

"But see it doesn't have to be that way! I honestly believe that if you put your true self out there Darcy will love you for who you really are."

"I am trying Aria! Just for you I am trying but nothing seems to happened. I want to marry someone who can talk to me, understand me and my felling. For the last talk I had he rather eat his food silently than talk to me." She revealed with disappointment.

"I am sorry Elizabeth but I hope you won't give up just yet," I request.

"Alright," Elizabeth agrees.

"Miss Woods!" A voice calls me.

"Miss Bennet!" Says Colonel Fitzwilliam as we turn back.

"Colonel Fritzwilliam, Mr Darcy," we bow.

"You mind if we join you? It's getting rather boring with just Darcy and me," he says.

"Of course," I agree walking with him and leaving Elizabeth with Darcy.

"Tell me Miss Woods, how is America?" The Colonel asks.

"Oh it is the best country in the world," I say wittily.

"Oh my! That's brave of you considering your standing on the soil of the actual greatest country in the world," he teases as we laugh.

"Have you been to London?" He asks.

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