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I knew Jane lied to me, that she wasn't very happy with Collins. I don't blame her for not telling me her true feelings, I was the one who was the most against her marriage to Collins, why would she tell me how she really feels.

Mr Collins isn't as bad as I thought. He is annoying, but he does care a lot about Jane. Who wouldn't adore Jane! She is pretty, kinda and in general a good person. It's Mr Bingley's loss that he gave up Jane!Still one thing does seem to add up, why did Mrs Bennet not keep Jane for Bingley. As much as I can recall things seemed to go smoothly till the Netherfield ball. Miss Bingley also invited Jane after the ball. Then why was Collins not persuaded to choose another one of their daughters?

What should I do with Darcy? Despite Jane and Bingley not ending up, I hoped Darcy and Elizabeth would, but after he confessed his feelings to me I feel so much more guilty! I think as I find for Mr Darcy's letter. I contemplate whether to open it, when I feel a chill run through my body and I start feeling extremely tired. I take out my shawl and wrap it around me. Looking back at the letter, I finally open it and start reading.


Be not alarmed on receiving this letter forAs I was unable to express myself, I had to offer an explanation on the matters discussed last evening. I do not wish to offended you or cause you any pain in any manner, by dwelling on matters which cannot be forgotten too soon. You must, therefore provide me your full attention for now.

There are two matters of great importance I would like to offer an explanation for. The first includes the situation between Mr Wickham and my sister. Regardless of how how you came to know about such an information, I would like to tell you the entire truth about Mr Wickham. Therefore, I address you with the utmost respect and a sincere desire to present to you a detailed account regarding Mr. Wickham.

Mr. Wickham, the son of a highly respectable man who managed the Pemberley estates for many years, enjoyed my father's favor due to his godson status. My father supported his education, a crucial assistance considering Wickham's own father's financial constraints. Despite Wickham's engaging manners, I must admit that my perception of him changed over the years.

While my father held a high opinion of Wickham and intended to support his advancement in the church, my personal observations revealed his vices and lack of principles. My father's unwavering support continued even after his demise, as evident in his will, which recommended promoting Wickham's career and included a legacy of one thousand pounds.

Wickham's decision against pursuing the clergy prompted a settlement, and he received three thousand pounds in return for relinquishing any claim to church assistance. Our connection appeared severed, and I refrained from inviting him to Pemberley or engaging in his society.

Over the years, Wickham's life devolved into idleness and dissipation, and he resurfaced seeking the presentation to a living after the incumbent's decease. Despite his dire circumstances, I refused his entreaties, leading to resentment and abuse. Our acquaintance ceased entirely, but last summer, he reappeared under distressing circumstances.

A circumstance I regretfully must disclose involves my younger sister, under the guardianship of Colonel Fitzwilliam and myself. Wickham, through deception and collusion with Mrs. Younge, misled Georgiana into an ill-fated elopement, exploiting her affectionate heart. The plan was thwarted, and Wickham's true intentions—chiefly my sister's fortune of thirty thousand pounds—were exposed. I hope you will keep this information between us for the sake of me and my sister.

I must respectfully address another matter that has transpired in our interactions concerning Miss Bennet. From our initial acquaintance, your persistent attempts to encourage a connection between Miss Bennet and myself have not gone unnoticed. Initially perceived as friendly gestures toward your acquaintances, Elizabeth and Jane, these efforts took a more serious turn when my proposal to you was declined on account of this particular circumstance.

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