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Once I returned, I felt depressed. I didn't know what I wanted or what I was doing, I just knew it was wrong and I cannot fix it.

"Aria, are you alright?" Elizabeth enters.

"No!" I say as tears full up my eyes.

"What happened?" She asks as she comes close to comfort me.

"I love him! And he loves me."

"So isn't that good?" She asks confused.

"No!" I say weeping. "He asked me to marry him."

"Aria!" She says with happiness.

"I cannot marry him!" I say devastated. "I am not from here!"

"Aria, listen to me. When I first read that book, I had a choice, either to stay and follow the scrip or leave and make my own life, I chose the latter. There were consequences for what I did, but I do not regret it, any of it! Now you have a similar choice in front of you. Either choice what your heart says or resists it. But remember, regardless there will be consequences." She advised.

"But I don't even know what is the right thing to do?" I say panicked.

"The right thing to do is what you would want, what makes you happy," she said with a smile.

"But it can all get messed up!"

"Aria! Do you love Darcy?" She asked.

"I like him—and I told him I loved him so..."

"Yes or no!"

"Yes," I answer.

"Then what are you waiting for! He loves you too! The way he looks at you with love and compassion can tell it all. Do not let him go!," she urges.

"But what about you?" I ask feeling guilty.

"Aria don't worry about me. Be selfish now, for Mr Darcy, for love, for yourself please be selfish!" She says laughing as tears run down her cheeks.

"Alright," I hug her. "Where is he?"

"I am not sure, I think he left," she informs.

"Then what do you want me to do?" I ask irritated.

"Go to Pemberley! I'll ask papa to arrange for a carriage immediately!" He says excitedly.

"No! I cannot go there," I hesitate.

"He came here all the way for you!" She counters leaving me no choice.

"Thank you!" I say to her one last time before I leave.


As we reached close to Pemberley my heart started beating faster. Unintentional I had overtime developed feelings, deep feelings for Darcy. There was no going back now. I was very nervous to see him. But at the same time, I knew I loved him and he loved me.

"Is Mr Darcy home? I asked one of the maids as I entered.

"No ma'am," she informed to my bad luck.

"Miss Woods! Is that you," Georgiana comes as she notices me.

"Hello, how have you been," I ask.

"I am very well Miss Woods, but why have you come so suddenly?" She questions.

"I didn't mean to intrude, I just needed to see Mr Darcy. But I was just informed that he isn't home," I said disappointed.

"Oh he is on his way home, you can wait for him if you like?" She offers.

"That would be perfect!" I exclaim in relief.

"Is there anything urgent work you had with my brother Miss Woods?" She asks curiously.

"Yes, very urgent!" I answer.

"Regardless, I am glad you're here. We sadly, did not get much time to talk last time you came."

"Yes, unfortunately," I add.

"So tell me, how was my brother the first time you met him?," she asks.

"He looked proud, anti-social and generally uncomfortable. I remember while we were having a conversation he was unimpressed by me," I reminisce.

"I am sorry, but as much as I know he is the most nicest person," she said sincerely.

"Don't apologise, I knew he wasn't proud. I know he isn't. He had been generous towards me my friends and for that I will forever be grateful to him.

"Miss Woods, my brother only helps genuine and honest people," she said when we hear the door open. "I think he has arrived," she says as he entires.

"Miss Woods!" He says surprised.

"Mr Darcy, I apologise for come unbeknownst, but I have to tell you something extremely important," I say without meeting his eyes.

"Do not apologise—Georgiana will you give us some privacy?" He asks her. "Go on Miss Woods."

"I don't know how this would work—or will it even happened but," I start blabbing.

"I do not understand you Miss Woods."

"I mean—If your feelings are what they were few hours agothen tell me so at once, because my affections and wishes are unchanged," I say as tears running down my face.

"Miss Woods!" He says as tears fill up his eyes.

"But if your feeling have changed, then I must tell you, you have bewitched me body and soul and I—I—I love you! and I wish never to be parted from you from this day on," I say as he come near me and passionately kisses me.


"Aria! Aria! Aria!" I wake up to see I'm back in my bedroom. Wearing the same black dress—the book lying on my bed.

Was it a dream? All of it a dream? I can't me!

I go down to find answers.

"Aria, how many times should I call you!" Mum shouts at me.

"Mum!" I hug her tightly. "I missed you."

"Don't be silly! Go put on some more lipstick. They can come any minute now."

"So was it a dream?" I scratch my head when the door bell rings.

"Aria! Get it for me dear. That must be your uncle and Peter!" She says excitedly.

As soon as I open the door I see Darcy—modern 2023 Darcy but still Darcy!

"Darcy!" I say delighted to see him.

"Uhh...I'm William, you new neighbour," he introduces himself confused. "My mum asked me to bring over some banana bread she made," he says as he hands over a box. "See you around," he says as he leaves.

"Yes see you around."

This is last chapter guys! Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it.

I tried uploading pictures but they aren't shown, so if anyone could help be with this issue dm. Thanks!

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