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Few days had passed after Lydia and Wickham were married. It was a typical day at Longburn. Mary played the piano, Kitty was puting ribbons on her hair, Elizabeth was knitting while I read a book.

"Girl!" Shouted Miss Bennet as she entered the sitting room. "I saw Mr Bingley walk towards us!" She informs in excitement as we all go near the window to see for ourselves. "Here Lizzy! Put on some ribbons and make your hair proper!" Mrs Bennet orders.

"But Mamma..." Elizabeth tries to object.

"Ma'am, Mr Bingley is here," the maid informs.

"Everyone behave!" Mrs Bennet warns before Mr Bingley enters."Oh what a pleasant surprise Mr Bingley!" Mrs Bennet greets him. "Have you met my second eldest daughter Elizabeth," she introduces.

"Yes, we have met in Pemberley when she came to visit with her aunt and uncle and Miss Woods...," he explains.

"Oh that's delightful!"

"Well, if you don't mind ma'am, can I talk to Miss Woods?"

"Miss Woods?" Mrs Bennet confirmed disappointedly. "Yes certainly, she's right there," pointed Mrs Bennet less enthusiastically.

"Alone," he demanded.

"Alone!" Mrs Bennet repeated in horror.

"Yes if it fine by you and of course Miss Woods," he says as he sees me with his gentle gaze.

"Yes, certainly," Mrs Bennet permits before leaving us alone.

"Miss Woods..." Bingley starts just when the door shuts. "I do not know ow where to began," he says nervously. "I wanted to talk to you after are argument at Pemberley, but I hadn't got any opportunity so I am here," he explains as I stand listening to him patiently. "I want to start by apologising, for what I might have done to Miss Jane-Mrs Collins now was very cruel. It was never my intention to hurt her feelings," he then paces around the room for sometime. "The feelings I initially had for her were all true and genuine, I will not lie. But as I got aquatinted to you, something changed! I need to be honest to myself and if I'm honest, I could not choose Miss Jane and ignore these feelings I have for you," he says with passion. So I apologise if you or Jane has been hurt because of me, but I cannot ignore my heart-and so I want to ask you if you will marry-," he bends down on his knees.

"Wait! Mr Bingley! Stand up please, let me say something first," I requested. "I admit I have been harsh because of Jane and for that I must apologise. Jane has chosen for herself and you have the right to choose for yourself. I admire your kindness towards me even when I was rude to you, but I cannot accept to marry you!"

"But why Miss Woods?" Bingley asks hard broken.

"There are two reasons, firstly I never fancied you Mr Bingley, I always saw you as Jane's-and it's not her fault or anyone else's. I have never developed any feelings for you but of friendship. The second reason is because I am in love with someone else," I say calmly.

"Darcy?" He asks sadly.

"Yes," I reply.

"Well, i wish you luck Miss Woods," he says faking a smile as he opens the door to find Mrs Bennet and her daughter.

"Oh I'm sorry Mr Bingley," Mrs Bennet apologise as she's flabbergasted.

"Good day Mrs Bennet," he says tilting his hat as he leaves with a grim look on his face.

"Elizabeth are you alright?" Elizabeth asked concerned.

"Yes, I'll be in my room," I said as I wanted some time alone.

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