Chapter 2

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It was the morning of Joo Dan Tae and Cheon Seojin's engagement party. Mirae was lying on Seokyung bed while Seokyung was looking through her closet on what to wear.

"Should I wear this black dress?"

Seokyung asked Mirae.

"Are you going to a funeral?"

Mirae asked the girl as she looked at the simple black dress in her hand.

"Well it'll show that I'm not happy at all. Anyways what are you wearing?"

Seokyung said before putting the dress away.

"My mother came last night, she brought me a new dress to wear to the party"

Mirae replied sitting up knowing she had to leave to get ready in a few minutes.

"Can I come with you in your car to the party?"

Seokyung asked as Mirae stood up.

"Yeah sure if it's fine with your father"

"Does it look like I care about what he thinks"

Seokyung said rolling her eyes and Mirae just shook her head.

"Well I'll see you later than"

Mirae smiled to her before leaving Seokyungs room and heading towards her own apartment.

"The food's actually good"

Mirae said as she stood next to Seokhoon and Seokyung around a table.

"What else did you expect Mirae?"

Seokyung said with a sigh as Seokhoon hid a smile.

"Maybe if you focused more on the food instead the people you might have a good time"

Mirae said as she continued munching on her snack.

"I don't have the will to eat right now"

"Your loss, you're missing out on some good food"

Mirae shrugged. Cheon Seojin had hugged Seokyung, which had added more fuel to Seokyung's already bad mood.

Just then she heard a loud whirring noise above. Without even looking at the sky she knew it was helicopter but the real question was what was a helicopter doing here? As the helicopter got closer to the ground all the arrangements started to fall due to the wind. Mirae was sure that she would have flown away as well if it weren't for Seokhoon's arm around her waist. Still scared that she might fly away Mirae also grabbed on to the table in front of her. After a few minutes, in which all the preparations were ruined, the wind stopped. Her curiosity growing, Mirae looked up to see who came out of the helicopter and was surprised to see Dr. Ha and a woman with red hair walk out. What really shocked her was that the woman was actually Bae Rona's mother. He quickly grabbed Seokyungs arm as a sign of comfort and to stop her from doing anything stupid.

But when the actual time to stop Seokyung came she failed. Seokyung walked up to Oh Yoon Hee and emptied a glass of some drink at her loudly saying that she knew Oh Yoon Hee was a murderer even if no one believed it. Seokhoon and Mirae dashed forward to stop her.

"I hate her. How dare she show her face here after killing my mother?"

Seokyung said glaring at the woman who was walking away.

"Calm down Seokyung losing your temper like this won't help you at all"

Mirae said softly pulling her away from the attention she had gathered from people around her.

"Oh Mirae ah, you guys take the car home"

Eun Sook came over to the three and gave Mirae a look that clearly said it'd be better if the twins leave for now. Mirae nodded and the three left to go back to Hera Palace.

"Seokhoon ah honestly tell me, do you think Oh Yoon Hee murdered your mother?"

Mirae asked the boy as the two sat on a sofa together in the penthouse. They had just reached home and Seokyung decided to take a shower to clear her thoughts leaving the two together.

"I'm not sure Mirae"

Seokhoon said looking at Mirae.

"Don't hate me for this but I don't think it was Oh Yoon Hee, I think we're missing some information. Should I be honest?"

"Hmm go ahead."

"I think there are more chances that Mrs. Yang murdered your mother than Oh Yoon Hee"

Mirae said looking at Seokhoon for his reaction.

"I might actually agree with you"

"You do?"

Mirae asked clearly surprised. Seokhoon nodded. Mirae wondered what made him say that. Did he know something?

"Are you looking for Rona?"

Mirae heard Oh Yoon Hee's voice and jumped in surprise. It was true though. When she heard Oh Yoon Hee was moving back in Hera Palace she had ran downstairs to check if Rona was back or not. But she couldn't say it to Oh Yoon Hee for some reason she felt guilty asking her about Rona.

"Rona isn't here she's still in America"

Yoon Hee said knowing that's why the girl was here. Mirae quickly nodded before heading back towards the penthouse so she could go to school with the twins.

At school, Mirae ran into Jenny who looked like she was about to throw up.

"Jenny, are you fine?"

Mirae asked worried for the girl.

"Of course I am, I just had a lot to eat"

Jenny smiled at Mirae who nodded still looking a little worried. Jenny wanted to tell Mirae everything. She knew Mirae would take her side and put a stop to it but would it really end? Jenny knew that if Seokyung or Eunbyeol found out that she had told Mirae they would be even more ruthless. Jenny was scared and she knew she couldn't handle more pain. Part of her was angry with Mirae for not noticing but she knew that was her fault. She was the one who acted all fine whenever the girl asked her if anything was wrong. Now all she could was wait till it was over but will it ever be over?

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