6 Seconds

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My bad for not updating it sooner, crap happened. Here ya go!

- Johnathan's dream-

"Hi John!" My brother, Brock, yelled from across the lawn. I walked towards him. He looked the same as he did when we lost him.

"B-brock?" I didn't believe my eyes. He couldn't be here. I don't even know where "here" is. This is just a black void, the grass we're standing on being the only solid thing.

"Why don't you sit down Johnny!" He smiled widely and patted on the grass beside him. I hesitantly walked to him and sat beside him. "So, who's that guy?"

He asked pointing forward. I looked up and saw the back of Evan. He was facing the other way. "Why don't you go to him? Whoever he is. Forget me and go to him."

I looked back and Brock, but he was gone. I looked around, but he was actually gone. I looked back at Evan.

He was facing me, his hand outstretched and that cocky grin on his face. I smiled and started to run to him, but it was like I was running underwater.

As I ran, the ground crumbled from under me. I ran faster. "Jump." He commanded and I listened, jumping into the safety of his arms. I snuggled my face into the side of his neck and he stroked my hair.

"I love you Johnathan."

-Reality, Johnathan's p.o.v-

I woke up to feel something wrapped around my waist. The more I moved the tighter it grabbed me. Warm breath cascaded down the back of my neck and a warm body was pressed against me.

'No way.' I tried to move, but someone whined in protest. "E-evan?" I whispered. He started to wake up. "Yeah?" He whispered in my ear. "W-what are you doing?" I whispered back.

He stiffened and drew in a breath. "Oh, I-I'm sorry." He hopped up quickly. I looked at him, just noticing he didn't have a shirt on.

"It's okay, it was probably cold or something." I made and excuse for him. He smiled shyly and nodded. "Well, I'm gonna get dressed and stuff. Uh, bye." He quickly left the room.

I stared at his muscular back and felt my face get hot. That guy is freaking jacked!

-Evan's p.o.v-

When I left I could practically feel him looking at he. I smirked. 'Dose he like what he sees?'

(Whaaaat am I writing ahhhhhhhh)

I hopped in the shower, letting the warm water flow over my neck and back. 'What am I now? I always thought I was straight, but then he came into the picture. I guess I'm bi if I like a guy. Heh, that rhymed.'

I smiled at my stupidity and got out of the shower. I rubbed myself down with a towel and got dressed in the restroom.

When I got back to my room, I found him sitting there, wearing the same clothes he had on yesterday. "I'm ready, let's go." He nodded and followed me out the house, saying bye to my mom as we passed her.

We arrived to the bus stop just as the bus was pulling up. We waved to the bus driver, who nodded in response, and got into the bus. It was empty except for a couple making put in the back, covered by a jacket.

"Who is that?" Jon asked. I shrugged and sat down. I looked back occasionally, only catching orangey blonde and dark brown hair. There are only two people I know with hair that color.....

I walked towards them and tore the jacket off the couple. I was right. "MINI! WILCAT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" I yelled, a wide smile on my face. They looked up at me with wide eyes.

"Uhh, Mini was choking." Tyler said lamely and Mini nodded. "Yeah, you two totally weren't sucking face." Jonathan yelled from the other side of the bus.

They're faces were as red as strawberries, and they were trying come up with an answer, but it only came out as a stuttered mess.

"Look, it's cool. We won't tell anyone, right Jon?" He nodded. They sighed in relief. "Thanks guys." Tyler said, then pulled Mini back in for another kiss.

I rolled my eyes and went back to my seat.


MINICAT IS ALIVE! AHHHHHHHH! Don't know why I put that in there, but I did, so enjoy it. If you did don't forget to slap dat vote button!



Have a beautiful time!

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