5 Seconds

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I had to change the cover, it was driving me nuts, it looked so bad. I changed the name to, because I meant to put second buy put sec instead. Oops, my bad.


- Evan's p.o.v-

'His face.....' I thought to myself as I laid on the floor. 'It's adorable!' He had bright blue eyes, freckles dusted over his cheeks , that at the moment were bright red, and nose.

His brown hair was wet and pressed down on his forehead. He had a little scar on the bridge of his nose. The most outstanding feature on his face was the mickey mouse burned onto his left cheek.

'Maybe that's why he wears a mask. I bet I know who did that.' I said, getting angry. 'Those fucks. What else have they done to him?'

As I sat pondering over his life, I didn't notice him shuffle into the room. "Um *gulp* Evan?" His soft voice broke me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah." I said, sitting up and looking at his now hidden face. "You saw it, didn't you?" I nodded, running my tongue over my teeth. He nodded and starting twiddling his thumbs.

"Evan, Johnathan! Dinners ready!" My mom yelled up stairs. Jon sighed and jogged down the stairs. I followed after him slowly.

When I walked into the kitchen, the sight I saw almost made me burst out laughing. My dad was staring at Johnathan,standing in front of my mom with a scared shit less face. He had his favorite hockey stick pointed at Johnathan's chest.

"Who the hell are you, and why are you in my house!" The stick was shaking awfully. My mom was holding in her laugher.

I walked from behind Johnathan and slung my arm over his shoulder. "Dad, put the stick down. This is my friend, Johnathan."

My dad lowered the stick and grasped his chest. "Thank God. Boy, do you realize how scary that damn mask is?" Dad asked, smiling at Jon.

Johnathan giggled. 'That's adorable, his laugh is so weird.' I smiled and we all sat at the table. The rest of the night went normal, with the occasional weird laugh from Jon.

We went upstairs and settled down for bed. "Hey, Evan? Thanks for letting me stay here." Jon whispered. "No problem man."

(Alright, here's where things may get weird.)

-Mr. Dennis' p.o.v-

"Hello James." Adam's voice echoed throughout the room. "H-hello sir." I winced when I stuttered. He hates that.

"So I see your son didn't what was asked of him. He also wasn't at his house. Do you know why that is?" He cocked his head to side and smirked. He already knew I didn't have an answer.

"No sir." I gulped. "Well, we promised to not hurt him or his mother, your, uh, ex wife is it?" I nodded, to scared to speak.

"Well, you know what happens now, right?" His smirk grew into a cruel smile. Once again I nodded.

"Sark, go ahead." He nodded to the tallest in room. The man who needed to duck to get into any room. Sark cracked his knuckles and chuckled and walked to me.

"Welp, come on Mr. Dennis." I followed after him, my head hung in defeat.

'This is gonna be a long night.'


Alright, that's good. I don't usually set goals, but I wanna see if this gets four votes, aaaaand two comments! As always I hope you enjoyed this chapter! If you did then slap dat vote button!



Have a beautiful time!

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