3 Seconds

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Aloha betas! 2 uploads! Wow! Let's go!

-Evan's p.o.v-

"A hello would be nice." He said smugly. I was 'bout ready smack him dead in that smug little mouth of his.

"What the hell! Who are you! And give me back my sandwich!" I yelled quietly, trying to not wake up everyone in the house.

His smirk grew and he licked my sandwich, then tried to hand it to me. I crinkled my nose in disgust and shook my head.

He shrugged and continued to eat his now claimed sandwich. "Don't mean to interrupt your meal, but what the fuck are you doing in my house!"

He finished the sandwich and slid his mask down. "I just wanted to see how you were doing. He kicked his legs in the air and stared at me.

"I'm just dandy, thank you. Now get out." I grabbed him by the front of his hoodie and went to throw him off the conter.

That is not what happened.

Instead, he flung me against the wall, my hands pinned behind my back with one of his hands, and his other one on the back of my head.

"What the fuck man!" I yelled, and he slapped the hand that was on my head over my mouth, but it was too late.

A door creaked open up stairs and light footsteps were heard. He let me go, dashed over the table and out the window.

My dad stood in the door frame with a hockey stick, looking everywhere for an intruder.

When he saw me he pointed it at me. "Boy, do you know what time it is?" I shook my head. "It's too late at night for you to be doing this crap. Go to bed, alright?" He smiled and rubbed my head, going back up the stairs.

I stared at the window that that guy jumped out of. 'Who are you, mystery man? And why'd you take my sandwich?"

-Next morning, still Evan's p.o.v-

"Evan!" A little kid yelled out. I looked around, but only saw my fellow juniors. "Eeeeeeeevaaaaaaan!" A kid yelled again, and someone jumped on my back.
I turned my head and saw Lui, and some tall lanky guy behind him. "Hi Evan, this is David. David, say hi!" The David guy waved lazily at me.

"Holy crap Lui, I didn't know that was you, how'd you do that?" He jumped off my back and shrugged his shoulders.

"I got talents!" He answered in his normal voice. We walked to the front of the school, which surprisingly wasn't open.

Tyler and Mini were standing in the front, along with the sheriff. I waved them over and we all huddled into a group.

"Why's the sheriff here guys?" I asked. "Like hell if I know." Tyler mumbled. "Yeah, your guess is just as good as mine." Mini said.

"So no one knows?" David spoke up. He had a weirder accent then Mini. "Yeah, uh, who are you. And while your at it, whose your little friend there." Tyler said, pointing at Lui.

David introduced themselves and Tyler and Mini introduced themselves. "Okay, now that we all know each other, why don't we ask around and figure out why the sheriff is here." I said and everyone nodded, splitting up and starting to ask people questions.

I was on my third person, all yielding the same answers: nothing, when I felt like I was being watched.

I turned around and there was the masked freak again. He nodded at me and walked out into the woods that were near the school.

'Ooooooh, not good. Not good at all. Should not go. But your gonna anyway, so don't listen to me.'

I jogged off in the direction he walked off to. I saw him, sitting on a stump, cleaning his nails with a pocket knife.

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