7 Seconds

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Hi.................. I don't know what I'm doing, enjoy........................


-Wildcat's p.o.v-

I stopped kissing Mini as more people filled the bus. Normally I wouldn't give a fuck, but or school has a lot of homophobs, and I don't want to get him in trouble.

"So, Evan and that guy with the mask have been getting close." Mini said while playing on his phone. I grunted in response.

I looked over at the two goofballs. They were playing around with Lui and David. I smiled and shook my head.

"They're cute alright. Not as cute as you though." He smiled at me and patted my thigh.

-At the school, Evan's p.o.v-

We walked into AP English, we being Me, Johnathan, Mini, Wildcat, Lui, and David.

We filled out the seats in the back. I made sure I got to sit next to Jon, who was still wearing his mask. I can't blame him though, that burn would cause a lot of unwanted attention.

Instead of a teacher, the principal stood in front of the class. He cleared his throat as students filled the room. "Hello everyone. Due to the, um, incident, three teachers have quit."

This rose a cheer from everyone. "Why're you cheering? You still have class." He said smugly. "Here is your sub until we can find a replacement."

When he said that, a man with short brown hair, brown eyes, and a mischievous grin walked in the room.

Jon gasped and ducked his head down. I furrowed my eyebrows tapped on his desk. He held up a finger, telling me to wait.

He shooed the principal out and leaned on the desk. "Alright, I don't really have any plans, so we're just gonna watch a movie!" He said, smiling and spreading his hands out.

"If someone comes in, put the phones away, alright?" The class nodded. He opened up Netflix on his computer.

"Since this is AP English..." He mumbled and picked the Romeo and Juliet that had Leonardo DiCaprio in it. He dimmed the lights and immediately phones were whipped out.

I tapped Jon on the shoulder. "Who's that?" I whispered to him. "That's Sea Nanners! I'm dead. He's gonna fuck me up so bad!" He hissed through his teeth.

"We're gonna get through this man, just believe." He shook his head. "No, man, I'm dead. Don't get involved, he'll get you too."

I slipped my hand into his, making him snap his head up. "No, well be fine, alright?" I smiled at him and squeezed his hand slightly. He squeezed back and I smiled. Maybe we will make it.

(Time to ruin everyone good time!)

-Sea Nanners p.o.v-

During the whole movie I stared at Delirious, aka Johnathan. He was holding hands and talking to some Asian kid. 'I didn't know Delirious swung that way. Eh, more ways to punish him.'

As the bell rung students jumped out of their seats and filed out if the class. I searched for the guy who was getting all touchy with Delirious.

"Uh, you! With the black hair. No, not you! Him!" The kid pointed at himself and I nodded. He walked over to me and crossed his arms.

"What's your name?" I asked, giving him my friendliest smile. "Evan Fong." He said curtly and narrowed his eyes at me. I guess Delirious already told him about me. Makes my job a lot easier.

I waited for the last student to leave, then went to lock the door. "So, I assume you know about me?" He nodded. "Good, so you know what I can do?" Yet again, he nodded.

"Good, so I don't have to waste my breathe with threats. Listen, I don't wanna pull you into this, but Delirious is with us. There's no going back when your in a gang. And if you fail them, well, there are things worse than death."

He paled a little bit. "Since Delirious has decided to pull you into this mess, you have two options: Join us, or die. You have a week."  I smirked and unlocked the door.

He glared at me as he walked past. "Have a nice day Mr. Fong!"

-Evan's p.o.v-

I rushed out of the class and tried to find Johnathan, which wasn't hard since he yanked me into an empty classroom. "What happened? Are you okay!" He asked as he checked me over.

"I'm fine, jeez dude calm down." I pushed him off me and he sighed in relief. "I'm sorry, it's just...... when he told you to stay behind I thought you weren't walking out of that room."  He looked down at his shoes.

I hooked my thumb under his chin and lifted his face to mine. "We'll be fine Johnathan, you just have to believe, okay?" He nodded and I let go of his chin. "Alright, we gotta go to class." I opened the door and walked to my class.


Eh, that long enough, I guess? I don't know, I hope it is. Anyway, if you liked this chapter then slap dat vote button!

This is Icewolf1208, signing off!



Have a beautiful time!

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