13 Seconds

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Alright, I'm re-writing this, I don't like the way it was before. Hopefully it will be better than the one before. If you enjoy, I don't know, comment #NTN.


-Johnathan's ' p.o.v-

It's 9:00, only three hours before they take Evan and bring him into the gang. I don't know why, but my heart is beating at a thousand miles per hour.

I tried to take a nap earlier, but I just stared at the ceiling. I just can't go to sleep knowing the fact that horrible things are about to happen to Evan. I heard tires screech in front of my house and sighed.

'I guess it's time' I shrugged on a jacket, pulled on some jeans. I hesitated, then pulled on my mask. 'This is gonna suck total balls'

I snuck out of my room and creeped down the stairs, careful not to wake my mom. I gingerly opened and closed the door, then bolted to the car. Sark was driving, with Chilled in the passenger seat.

"Hey faggot, ready to beat the shit outta your boyfriend?" Sark sneered at me. I gulped and balled up my fist, but didn't say a word. Chilled smacked him on the arm.

"Dude, don't say faggot, that's not cool! I'm gay too!" Sark pouted and rubbed his arm. "Alright whatever, let's just go and get him" Sark started the car and drove to Evan's house.

-Evan's p.o.v-

I tossed and turned for what seemed like the 100th time that night. I groaned and rolled outta bed. For some reason, I was restless, and my body won't let my mind relax.

I walked down stairs and into the kitchen. 'Guess I'm hungry?' I grabbed the jelly out of the fridge and the peanut butter from the pantry. 'Just a simple PB &J for a snack'

I spread the peanut butter and jelly over the bread and sat down at the table. When I lifted the sandwich to my lips, I noticed my new scar that that Chilled guy gave to me, the one that looks like a "V"

I sighed and toom a bite of my sandwich. 'Maybe that's why I'm restless. I don't know when they're coming.' Just as I thought that, someone I couldn't see cleared their throat.

"Hi there!" I smiled, thinking it was Johnathan. It most certainly was not. "Hello." Sark leaned against the door frame of the kitchen and smiled coldly at me.

"Well shit. I guess it's time?" I questioned and he nodded. I sighed and sadly set my sandwich down. "I'll be back for you." I whispered to it and walked outside.

There was a sleek black car with really dark windows.... Not sketchy at all....

He shoved me into the back seat. I looked to my side and saw Johnathan. I smiled, but that quickly dissolved when be hit me over the head with something.

-Time skip, four hours later, still Evan's p.o.v -

As I came to, my world felt like it was swaying, like I was one a boat or something. I struggled to open my eyes, they stung and burned and felt slightly swollen.

My throat and lungs burned like someone had made me eat fire, and I couldn't feel any of my limbs. Eh, could be worse. There could be a psycho trying to kill me.

"Oh Evaaaannn~" a familiar, yet foreign, voice sang out to me. "Evan darling, open your eyes!"

My eyes cracked open and we're met by dark blue, almost black ones. "Good! What beautiful eyes you have sweetheart! " I gulped and my eyes widened. "J-Johnathan?"

He frowned playfully. "Who's Johnathan? Are you cheating on me mister?" He pinched my cheek and pushed me, making my body sway again.

"Look at you, hanging up there like a piece of meat, lemme get you down." He walked over to a wall and pushed a button. I was immediately dropped on my head.

To say I saw stars would be an understatement. I saw fucking comets, streaming across my eyes in the most blinding way. Not to mention the pain my head was in. I probably fractured my skull.

Johnathan smiled cheerfully and skipped over to me. "There, isn't that better? Now the blow can stop just flowing to you head, and hopefully to somewhere else." He winked at me leaned over me, his hands clasped behind his back.

"Johnathan, what's wrong with you?" I asked, my breath getting heavy. He giggled, and it sounded more maniacal than usual. He grabbed the front of my shirt and pulled me closer, so that our noses were touching.

"Listen babe, I'm not Johnathan. I'm Delirious."
Lol, I'm back and I leave you with a cliffhanger. I'm so cheeky :3 If you enjoyed this chapter then slap dat star button with yo fore- no! No more forehead. Try your toe! Slap it with your toe.
This has been IceWolf1208, signing off!
Have a beautiful time!

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