1 Second

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-Evan's p.o.v-

"Ev-mister! Wake up buddy, school is calling your name!" My dad yelled through his bullhorn.

Why a blowhorn you ask? I don't really know why. I sit up and rub my eyes. 'I don't wanna go to school....' I go against my thoughts and go anyway.

I walk out to the corner where the bus is supposed to pick me up. I greet the driver and look around the bus. There's only one person on the bus, and he was weird as hell!

He had on a hockey mask! I am not sitting next to him! So I in the front and took out my phone and plugged in my headphones.

The bus slowly started to fill, until eventually someone sat next to me. He had curly dark blond hair and glasses. He tapped me on the shoulder and I took out one of my earbuds.

"Wazzup! My name's Craig, but you can call me Mini!" I smiled and shook his hand. "Evan." He nodded. A guy jumped over the seat and rubbed Mini's head.

"Who ya talk'n to bro!" I looked up and saw a guy with blonde hair and blue eyes. "Tyler, this is Evan, Evan, this is Tyler." I reached up and shook his hand.

"If you want you can call me Wildcat." Tyler said. I nodded and plugged my earbud back in.

Soon enough we were at the school, thousands of teens pouring into a three story building. "Yay! Let's go Evan!" Mini grabbed me and dragged me into the building.

"Wait! I gotta go to the office!" I yelled at Mini, who reluctantly let's go of my arm. "Alright, see ya later then Evan." Tyler says, walking down the hall with Mini tailing him.

I walk in the office and ring the bell sitting on the counter. "One second~!" A light voice says. A young woman of about 29 walks from the back room and greets me.

"Hello, I'm miss Pots! Don't make any jokes, I've heard them all." She said with a smile. "So, new student?" She asked and I nodded.

"Mr. Fong I presume?" I nodded again. She took out some folders and pulled out two sheets of paper. "Alright, so this is your schedule and your locker number. For the first few days a student will show you around."

She left the room and returned with another student. He had a chubby face and black hair. "This is Lui." I shook his hand and we walked out into the hall. "What's your name?" He asked as I followed him. "Evan." He nodded and proceeded to show me where all my classes where.

By the time he got finished, school was over. I walked back to the front and got on the bus. As I walked back to my house, I felt I was being watched. I turned around and saw the guy with the hockey mask following me.

'Alright, don't panic, you probably live on the same street.' I still picked up my pace until I came to my house. I slammed the door open and leaned on it to shut it. My heart was racing.

'Calm down. Check to see if he's gone' I looked out the window and caught myself staring right back at bright blue eyes.


Alright, Imma end it there. If you enjoyed make sure that you slap dat star button! Mahalo!
Have a beautiful time!

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