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The blue eyed teen balled each of his hands up into a tight fist while his eyes darted inbetween Yujin and Y/N. He wanted the girl to say something to him, but she was just silently staring at him with no expression. He was trying his hardest not to murder Yujin right then and there, but the thought of doing it was eating him alive at the moment.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE WITH.. HIM?!!?!" He watched Y/N back away, the look of no emotion still remaining on her face while she did so.

The blonde didn't hear anything come from the female, and that angered him even more. He stomped his foot against the ground just like before and walked closer to the woman, "ANSWER ME!!!"

She tapped her own foot on the ground with a slow head shake as she looked at everything else but Zero. "Zero, you're overreacting right now... Just-"

"NO!! I'M NOT! I'M NOT OVERREACTING, Y/N!!!" The blonde tried to suck up his tears but he knew they'd get the best of him no matter how hard he'd try, so he just let them begin to flow, "WHY..?! WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME?!!?!"

"Zero... There are people trying to peep in here... Calm down.. it's-"

The woman was cut off by the sound of Zero's shoes hitting against the ground again. She looked over at him only to see that he had turned around and slammed the door shut, causing Yujin to flinch with a slight whine.

Turning himself back towards the H/C haired teen that just raised her eyebrows at him with a bored look, Zero crossed his arms with now violent tears leaving his blue eyes. "WHY ARE YOU WITH HIM?!!"

"Just relax. It was going to be a one time thing, anyway. You were acting different, I didn't like the way you were acting, and I got horny, so I figured that I'd just get somebody to fill you in. That doesn't mean I don't like you anymore."

"BUT YOU KNOW I DON'T LIKE THAT!!! WHY?! WHY DO YOU KEEP DOING THIS?! I.. I LOVE YOU, BUT..! YOU DO THIS SHIT TO ME!!! WHY?!" He walked up to the girl with every word he shouted, not fazing her at all.

Y/N rolled her eyes at the silence between the three of them and shifted her gaze over to a nervous Yujin that was close up to the wall with shaking legs, "What's up with you...? You're being weird."

Zero scoffed out in disbelief with a sob leaving him afterwards, "ARE YOU.. FUCKING KIDDING ME?!! WHY ARE YOU STILL WORRIED ABOUT HIM?!"

"Zero could you please just be quiet. You're the only one that thinks this is serious, because it's really not..."

Clenching his jaw while he straightened up his posture and flared his nose as more tears gushed out of his eyes, he nodded at her and pursed his lips before he started taking steps back, confusing the woman that just stared at his every move.

Yujin relaxed a little and his shaking decreased slowly, but he still didn't feel quite safe yet.

The two saw Zero turn around with some of his veins slightly popping out of his arms and hands, scaring the dark haired teen that began to tip toe behind the woman.

Throwing his head down while his hand reached up to his backpack, Zero clutched his bag in his hands and slipped it off of his back before he pushed both of his hands on top of it with the same tears still streaming down each of his now red cheeks.

He put his thumb and index finger on his zipper and slowly started to unzip his bag, high pitched whines that almost sounded faded escaping past his mouth.

"Zero...." The girl murmured louder enough for the blonde to hear.

She bit the inside of her right cheek at the unresponsive male that pushed his slender fingers into his bag, clearly trying to fish something out of it. "Zero, I'm talking to you."

Still deciding to ignore Y/Ns words, that's when he finally wrapped his hand around the one thing he'd been searching for.

Y/N actually got a bad feeling in her stomach but she knew she had to keep her composure for her and Yujin, "Baby... What have you got there...?"

The shorter man visibly tensed up at the Nick name she'd given him a while ago, and his eyes went blank while his salty tears still came down his face.

"Hmmm? You wanna tell me what you got?" She strolled up behind the blonde that still had his hands stuffed into his bag before she placed both of her hands on each of Zero's shoulders, causing him to tense up even more.

"Baby.. why won't you say anything...? You don't love me anymore...?" She whispered closer to the back of his neck, resulting in some goosebumps to form on his pale neck.

"I.. I do love you..!!" He mumbled back to the girl while he slowly pushed his head back so it was resting on her before he quickly snapped back to his senses.

The blonde turned himself to Y/N with a furious look now forming on his features. "NO! YOU.. CAN'T DO THAT TO ME!!! MOVE!"

"Move..? Why do I need to-"

Before the woman knew it, she was actually being pushed to the side by Zero. It was like he gained some new kind of strength.

She stumbled to the side a little with a gasp while Zero stomped over towards Yujins, his hand pulling out of his backpack to reveal the pencil in his hand.

Yujin looked down at the pencil in confusion, "What..? Why do you have a-"

Zero charged at him before he stabbed the pencil at his skin, causing only a little bit of Yujins red blood to drip against the pencil while he let out blood curdling screams.

Y/N straightened herself up before she ran behind Zero and aggressively wrapped her hand around his wrist to pull his hand off of the pencil that still stuck inside of the dark haired man that was now crying hard.

Getting yanked back by the woman with a loud grunt, Zero fought back against her hold, "GET.. OFF OF ME, YOU.. W-WHORE!! OFF! OFF YOU... YOU... B-BITCH! SLUT! OFF! GET-"

His degrading words were cut short once he felt Y/Ns hand slapping on top of his mouth, "Zero. You just did a horrible thing."

"I.. DON'T CARE!!!" His yells were muffled as he still wriggled in the females arms while Yujin put his hand up to his neck, his mind getting a little cloudy.

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