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Season 2, Ep 6
Part 1

**One thing that Gwen wasn't used to was the heat

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One thing that Gwen wasn't used to was the heat. LA was in the middle of having a heat wave with temperatures hitting 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Gwen knew that the heat would make people do crazy things so the crime activity was going to be high today.

Gwen decided to leave Remy home in the air conditioning rather than having him stay outside all day. Gwen glanced at her outfit her sleeveless white bodysuit tucked effortlessly in her light denim jeans with some shoes. Gwen grabbed her belongings and left.

"Todays going to be a nightmare" Angela groaned she cooled her self down with a paper fan. Gwen nodded clipping on her badge and gun to her waist band. It definitely was people acted crazy when it comes to the heat the adrenaline is on a rush. Angela and Gwen walked into roll call room greeting a few officers who were sitting.

Lucy walked up to Gwen and smiled "Hey Gwen, just wanted to let you know-" Tim cut her off giving her an angry look"Boot, when she's on duty you address her as detective" he said.

Gwen rolled her eyes and gave the rookie and reassuring smile. She didn't like how Tim would treat Lucy at times. She knew what it was like to be in her shoes.

"It's okay officer Chen, we can talk about it later" Gwen said as she turned around to face Lucy. Lucy nodded and gave Gwen a smile at her kindness.

Sergeant Grey walked in the room causing everyone to become silent. His papers hit the podium with a small slap "Good morning. We've got ourselves a heat wave, which means what,
Officer West?" He looked over to the rookie who was ready to answer.

"Studies show that a 1% loss of body mass due to sweating, decreases cognitive ability and increases anxiety levels " he said making the sergeant nod in approval.

"Translation tempers will be short. drug and alcohol use up, so stay hydrated
and stay sharp. Now, while the rest of you are baking in the sun, Officer Nolan will be flop-sweating in his very first preliminary court hearing" he said looking at Nolan who shook his head "I have reviewed
the arrest report repeatedly" Nolan said with almost complete confidence.

Tim raised his hand "When did you graduate
the Academy?" He asked. Gwen smirked as she remembered her first court appearance. She had went through the exact same questions. Well with the help of her parents they had prepared her for her first court appearance.

"Uh September" he said, Gwen was almost 100% positive he didn't know the exact date.

"Exact date boot" Bradford said. Nolan looked like he was in his head debating whether or not he knew.

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