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Season 3, 13

**"Babe?!" Gwen yelled as she stood in the mirror trying to button up her maternity pants

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"Babe?!" Gwen yelled as she stood in the mirror trying to button up her maternity pants. Tim walked over and looked at the pregnant women who seemed defeated.

"Yeah? You okay?" He asked. She looked annoyed "Nothing fits me anymore. Your son won't stop kicking my bladder, and my feet are huge" she groaned. Being 5 months pregnant she felt like she could barely do things without feeling exhausted. She still had a while to go before it would be over.

Tim laughed and pressed his hand up against her belly immediately receiving kicks.

"Our son is gonna be the next kicker for the Rams" he joked. Gwen groaned and put on one of her shirts.

Tim looked at her and planted a kiss on her lips "I know you're uncomfortable, but you look so beautiful. After work we'll go get dinner? Your favorite place" Tim suggested. Gwen nodded excitedly as she finished getting ready.

Tim was riding with Nolan today, he needed a T.O and Grey assigned Tim to Nolan for the day.

Gwen was on her way to the station they decided to take separate cars incase they weren't done at the same time. Gwen remembered the last time she was stuck on a case she didn't get done until 9 and Tim had to wait hours.

"Detective Rivers, you're needed at a crime scene. Address sent to you"Grey said through the radio. Gwen picked up the walkie "Copy that. En route" she said.

The crime scene was at a cemetery Gwen got out of the car and recognized that Tim's shop was here.

Tim turned around and looked at Gwen "Hey. Looks like Cesar Madrigal's been using the cemetery as a supply depot. Guys were loading a car with narcotics, got ambushed." He said.

Gwen nodded and looked around seeing a couple bodies on the ground, a van, and bullets scattered on the pavement.

"La Fiera?" Gwen asked. Nolan nodded "Definitely her Malos Dorados. All sporting the yellow sneakers. Looks like she sent five shooters, including the one that was shooting at us, they came in on foot and opened up on Cesar's guys" he explained.

Gwen nodded "Unfortunately for yellow kicks, they miscounted the enemy. Got caught in a crossfire of two of Cesar's crew they didn't see. In less than a minute, there's a baker's dozen of DBs." Bradford said.

Gwen nodded and watched as Angela and Grey walked over to her.

"You up to speed?" Grey asked. Gwen nodded "Getting there. Have you notified Sergeant Caradine?" Gwen asked. Angela nodded "Sweating the cemetery owner. She's clearly on Cesar's payroll. This is only gonna get worse. La Fiera's out for blood. And Cesar is just strong enough to put up a decent fight." She explained.

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