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Season 2, Ep 11
Part 4

The following chapters will contain sensitive subjects. Such as abuse, mentions of blood, violence etc. if you are uncomfortable please skip ahead. Thank you

**Gwen had no idea how long she had been in the barrel

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Gwen had no idea how long she had been in the barrel. Each breath she took was becoming more shallow and thick. She was scared, anxious and unsure of what to do. She didn't want to panic which would only lead to her losing more oxygen quickly.

Gwen felt like she ran out of tears she couldn't cry anymore her tear streaked face was dried up and her lips cracked practically begging for water. Her fear was becoming true Jacob truly won. She was going to die alone in the middle of no where with no one to find her. She finally fell for someone she truly cared about and she wasn't going to be able to tell him how she truly felt.

Remy was going to continue to stare at the door confused whether his owner was going to be coming home or not. Gwen let another tear roll down her face as she silently prayed.

She starts humming a song that would help her sleep when she was a kid "Stars shining bright above you, Night breezes seem to whisper I love you" she sings quietly. She continues to sing quietly realizing she is slowly slipping into unconsciousness.

Tim, Angela, and the others raced against the clock finding any information that would lead to Gwen's whereabouts. Nolan looked down at the paper his head clicked with a thought.

He looked up trying to find Sergeant Grey "Hey! I got something!" Nolan yelled. Grey ran over and looked at Nolan "Caleb used Jerry's identity, to rent a post office box in Kern County, near the prison. But he kept it up after he quit. Still pays for it. He must have a place close by" Nolan says. Angela looks down at the files and finds something on Rosalind "her trust owns a farm in Kern County" she says.

Sergeant Grey nods and radios for all available units to gear up and get ready for takedown.

Every possible resource that LAPD could windup together they did Swat, airship, and detectives were all geared up ready to storm Rosalind's grandparents house.

Tim stood beside Grey his eyes were locked on the door. Grey nodded "Caleb Wright, LAPD" Grey yelled kicking the door down.

Caleb reached for his gun but swat shot at him knocking him down. Tim searched the house finding it completely empty. He slammed his hand against the wall in frustration.

He looked around the house stopping when he saw a picture on the ground. He picked it up and he could've sworn his heart dropped. Gwen looked unconscious in the barrel. He couldn't even tell if she was alive or not.

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