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You were waiting nervously as Wanda, Pietro, Vision, Katherine, and Jessie made their way up to the door.

Not everyone was there. Clint was along with T'Challa, Thor, and Fury. But the others were all somewhere in the house. The only kid that was with you was Lucy, who was jumping up and down, unable to wait and see her Aunts and Uncles.

Clint welcomed them into the home with ease. It felt awkward, but maybe that was just you. Lucy excitedly jumped into Pietro's arms and he greeted her with a huge smile.

Skylar had grown up a lot. He looked like he might be even taller than Minera, despite being a few months younger.

The twin boys named Tommy and Billy seemed much older than they should have been. Eight already? That couldn't be possible at all. Minerva and Skylar were only six and a half, almost seven. Lucy was just turning seven and a half. How were they eight?

You figured it had something to do with Wanda and Vision themselves, so you didn't say anything about it.

Katherine and Pietro had a little girl as well, who was four now and her name was Brittany. It was clearly Katherine's choice in the name and definitely not Pietros'.

Soon, Steve, Stephen, and Tony came down with the other kids. Minerva was on Tony's shoulders, while the rest of the kids except for Lloyd and Vera scampered down the steps to meet their Aunts and Uncles.

Steve meanwhile was holding Vera in one arm. Stephen was holding Lloyd in his arms.

You watched as Wanda's eyes swept over the kids before landing on Minerva on Tony's shoulders.

Minerva, of course, knew that these people were her soulmate parents, but she was still clinging to Tony like he was her protector. And really, in a way, he was.

Though Tony had put her down on her feet, she was hiding behind him, her small arms wrapped around his leg so that he couldn't move. She peered out at the others in front of her, before ducking behind his leg.

"Minerva?" Wanda asked uncertainly, bending down so that she could be on her level.

Minerva peeked out from behind Tony's leg again.

"I'm Wanda." Wanda said softly.

Minerva looked up at you. You just smiled, not wanting to tell her to do something one way or another.

Minerva looked back at Wanda. The others were suddenly consciously aware of the encounter and Fury and Clint were quick to take the other kids back to the living room where they could wait until Minerva had met her soulmate parents.

T'Challa also slipped out of the room, leaving Minerva with Pietro, Vision, Wanda, Jessie, and Katherine in front of her. Tony, Stephen, Steve, Lloyd, Vera, and yourself were behind her.

Minerva seemed to hold on even tighter to Tony's leg. "I don't know you."

Wanda's smile was sad and Pietro's looked almost guilty.

"I know sweetie, I'm sorry." Wanda said softly. "But if you want, we would all love to get to know you. Would you like that?"

Minerva looked scared, now that she had been asked a question. She kept looking upwards at you and Tony for comfort. Tony bent down, wrapping his arms around the little girl. "What do you think Minnie? You don't have to decide right now. They're going to be here for thirty whole days. You can get to know them over that time, of course. Hmm?"

"Okay." Minerva said softly. "Can I go and find Uncle Loki now? He wanted to read to me."

"Of course sweetheart." Tony said, letting her go.

Avengers Colour Soulmate AU- Book 2Where stories live. Discover now