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"Hello My Queen." Loki said, coming up behind you to kiss you on the cheek. You turned to face him and he knelt in front of you, placing his hands on the bulge of your stomach, kissing the bump. "Hello my little Princess."

You smiled, brushing his hair back from his face. "Hello Lokes."

He got to his feet, pressing a sweet kiss to your lips. "How was your day today?"

"It was good." You said, turning back to the stove where you were in the middle of making dinner.

Dinner was going to be hamburgers and cheeseburgers. Pork and beans along with green beans as vegetables. Dill pickles were in a jar on the table already since you were almost done cooking the meal. Chips were also a part of todays meal and you also had pigs in a blanket for the kids.

"Is the table already set?" You asked as you started to load up the circular patties onto a larger platter.

"Yes, and I've got this." Loki said after you placed the last one on top. He picked the platter up to take it outside.

You grabbed some of the condiments, carrying them out after Loki.

Steve, Clint, Bucky, Sam, Thor, and T'Challa were running around on the grass with Marcel, Vincent, James, and Lloyd shooting water guns at each other. Lloyd wasn't really shooting guns. Thor was showing him how to shoot one though. Lloyd was only two and he was Thor's son. Lloyd Heimdall Marvel. Although his last name could also be Thorson.

And then there was Lloyd's twin-fraternally- sister: Vera Shuri Marvel. T'Challa's daughter. First to have more than one child to his blood.

Of course, all of them treated all of their kids like their own. And to distinguish between fathers, they simply called all of them 'daddy' and then their name. Lucy had a fun habit of calling T'Challa 'Daddy Allalalala.'

Minerva was still living with you guys, though it had been about three years since they had left. Wanda and Vision had twin boys of their own now by the names of Billy and Tommy. So Minerva had been left with you guys while Pietro, Jessie, and Katherine never even came back to visit.

It frustrated you beyond belief, but there wasn't really anything you could do. Minerva was probably better off in your guys' home anyways. She had grown and she really did seem like she was a part of the family.

At the moment, Minerva was sitting at the outdoor eating table next to Tony. He was showing her something he had made and she was listening attentively- or maybe she just liked that it was shiny. Stephen sat next to Tony, a small smile on his face while he rocked Vera in his arms.

Minerva looked up to give you a radiating smile when she saw you. You smiled gently, before moving back into the house.

Once everything was on the table, you took a spot on the other side of Stephen, putting Temperance on your other side and then Fury.

You loved the summer months. It was some of the best times that you had with the family. Plus, it meant you were in the best time of the business.

The others hadn't exactly taken a break from being superheroes, however, they were trying to back away from it, especially with how many kids you guys had now. So, Steve had pitched the idea that they get somewhat normal jobs.

It came from the fact that it just didn't seem fair for Tony to have to pay for everything- even if he didn't mind. And Steve said if they were going to start retiring their weapons, then they needed to get some sort of job to make money.

But you had pitched the idea for running a farm. It had been Elizabeth's original idea and you decided to give it a shot.

The others agreed, and now you were all running a full fledged farm here in Ohio. You had chickens, pigs, cows, sheep, even a couple of goats and some horses. You had both meat and egg chickens, milk and meat cows, and then the goats were for goat milk. The sheep were simply there for wool.

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