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You were trying very hard not to burst into tears. Thor had his arms wrapped around you in a supportive way, as they all knew exactly how you were feeling.

"We'll come back and visit soon." Pietro promised as the large group got ready to leave. Billy and Tommy had already zoomed out the door to get into the car. One of them- you couldn't remember which one through your distress- had Pietro's speed, while the other had the ability to connect with Vision in his mind.

Minerva meanwhile, was standing there, her back against Vision's legs. Vision was holding her hand gently and she was facing the rest of you.

Your own kids had long since dispersed back into the house and now, it was just the adults saying good-bye and making plans about when we should meet up next.

Minerva looked sad. She had decided she wanted to go with her parents, but she was still upset about leaving- especially you, Tony, Stephen, and Loki who were her favorites.

She finally let go of Visions hands, running and jumping into Loki's arms. "I'm going to miss you Uncwle Loki."

"And I will miss you too, little ice Princess." He said with a smile. He used to call Elizabeth the 'Ice Queen' and had taken to calling Minerva the 'Ice Princess.'

Minerva beamed at the nickname, before kissing his cheek and let him put her back down on the ground. She went over to Tony and Stephen next while Pietro and Wanda finished saying good-bye to Clint.

"Bye Uncwle Tony and Uncwle Steven." She said.

"Bye trouble." Stephen said, ruffling her hair.

"Bye Minnie Mouse." Tony teased, kissing the top of her head. She giggled, before coming over to you last.

'Don't cry'. You thought. It was easier said than done.

"Bye Auntie. I'll see you soon." She promised desperately, wrapping her small arms around your waist. Jessie and Katherine were slowly making their way out the door, Wanda following them.

"Bye Minnie." You whispered, kissing the top of her head. "Next time you come back I'll show you how to make that fudge cake recipe okay?"

"Mommy's favorite?" Minerva asked, brown eyes lighting up.

"Yes." You said firmly, promising that you weren't going to cry. Your throat was tight though, like Bucky was chok-


Clean thoughts.

Minerva ran back over so that Vision could lift her up into his arms. He smiled at her with his blue eyes and she grinned, clutching his blond-brown hair in one hand to steady herself.

Once they had left, you let the tear fall down your face, turning so you could burrow into Thor's chest. He chuckled, rubbing your back in a comforting way.

"It's alright Princesse." He said. "They'll be back before you know it. Now how about we go downstairs and watch plays on the screen so that you aren't your feet to much?"

"That sounds like-" You paused as the sound of water hitting the tiles sounded through the room and all of your soulmates turned to look at you.

"On that note, time to get you back to the tower so that Bruce can help you give birth." Tony said cheerfully.

"My Princess is coming." Loki said, looking delighted.

"Kill me now." You moaned.


"She's beautiful." You gushed. She had Loki's features- including turning Jotun blue when she was cold. She had black scraps of fluff on her head and when she opened her eyes, they were a turquoise mix of blue and green. Her skin was smooth and alabaster pale. She looked like a literal goddess.

Avengers Colour Soulmate AU- Book 2Where stories live. Discover now